What Is The Male To Female Ratio For Mollies?

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Mar 11, 2013
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I have normal sized mollies and balloon belly mollies ( My secret obsession besides betta).
I had one male BB and three female BB's ( along with normal mollies) and I just got a new male and new female, the female at been at the store for three weeks and I decided it was time to stop looking and just bring her sorry butt home and they also got this new male in that I couldn't resist. The female is getting picked on but it's mostly little tester chases and nips like
" you're new, let me see how squishy you are" where as my original male, Thug, ( Named because he is a total pimp and tries to mate with everything) is having major territorial issues with my new male who is half his size.
How many females are recommended per male and how long should I expect the jealousy to last?
Everyone is in a 55 gallon tank.
Total stock :
2 cory cats,
2 dwarf frogs
3 dwarf gourami
3 swordtail mollies
6 BB mollies
I usually only get a fish when I absolutely HAVE to have it, I don't normally buy them on a whim since I know There is limited room in my tank.
So, Suggestions?
Thug also seems to be pushing his anger on the other mollies, tail chasing, nipping, fin flaring. He's being plain rude but I guess it's my fault for bringing home some competition. Guess they better get some cute girls in soon at the local store lol
I believe for most fish it's 1-2 male: female ratio. Id say thug is just proving he's still the dominant one in the tank. If he doesn't stop then you should seperate him.
I ha at one point 8 males to about 20 odd females but the males will always fight with each other it will more than likely happen more as your new male is smaller.

It should calm down once your new male has grown an been in your tank for a while but they will clash still . I suggest emptying your tank an all fish and redecorating and refil it as it will throw your original male off and make new territories

If it gets to serious like his pinned into a corner and and hes not allowed to eat and he's getting constantly battered then I would suggest taking him back or seeing If a friend or relative will have him or add a few more females to distract him
I was already planning on redecorating my tank because I didn't feel like there was enough places for them to hide.  It seems to have died down a bit, thug is still doing a lot of flaring though. Time for more decorations!
I was already planning on redecorating my tank because I didn't feel like there was enough places for them to hide. It seems to have died down a bit, thug is still doing a lot of flaring though. Time for more decorations!
Hey! I wanted to check in with you, how are your mollies doing? I know they don't live very long so I wanted to know if you figured it out. I am having a bit of some issues in my molly tank as well. I have five mollies just chillin in my tank now. Two males and three females, I am seeing very aggressive behavior on the behalf of my friend Sherlock who is one of my males. He seems to have picked a female and now chases her. He is extremely aggressive towards her and I have decided to take him back to the pet store. I also have two dalmatian mollies (one male and one female). The male is crowding the femal a little bit but he isn't aggressive and she fights back a little bit so I think that will be okay. I just wanted to see if anyone had some answers. I am thinking about getting a female instead of a male to replace the aggressive male. OR getting another female with another male. Let me know!
PeachesNCream hasn't been on the forum for over 7 years so you are unlikely to get a reply, I'm afraid.

The usual recommendation is a lot more females than males. 3 to 2 isn't a very good ratio. Either exchange one of the males for a female giving you 1 to 4, or get a several more females. The only thing to be aware of is that more females = a lot more fry. Every month.
1 male and 1 female and in the right conditions, which are wet fish, you'll have more mollies than you care to deal with in no time.

I started with 1 each and easily still have 60 or so. Mostly fry right now. Small lil guys. A bunch of them died. They inbreed a lot. Not good for longevity, but, you will have a lot in no time. I had well over 200 at one point from them 2 fish I bought for a buck. Some got ate. Some died. Bur they are still punchin them out.
PeachesNCream hasn't been on the forum for over 7 years so you are unlikely to get a reply, I'm afraid.

The usual recommendation is a lot more females than males. 3 to 2 isn't a very good ratio. Either exchange one of the males for a female giving you 1 to 4, or get a several more females. The only thing to be aware of is that more females = a lot more fry. Every month.
That is a bummer. Yeah, I think I am going to start with a male and another female and then once I can get another tank I will grab some more girlies. Thank you!

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