I wouldn't risk putting 2 betta males in the same tank. These are beautiful fish and like all animals deserve to be treated correctly, there fore meaning that 2 should not be placed in the same tank with out a divider under any circumstances.
I am still trying to get hubby to agree to let me have a tropical tank. This is likely to be after we have been away in August so that I can give the set up full attention and keep an eye on ALL the fish I decided to get. (after doing the full cycle and checking parameters regularly until there is no ammonia or nitrite etc). Also before putting any fish with whatever I put in first I will enquire if it will go with the first.
I have become very addicted to this hobby and I must admit I would like to turn my sights to marine but I can't see that happening for quite some years until the kids have grown up. They are only 6years old, 5years old and 2years old at the moment.
They are all fascinated with the cold water fish but are still too young for their own tank as they will not understand about all the water parameters etc. It is hard enough explaining it to the hubby. He asks questions but the truth is he is not interested in the slightest.