What is the largest fish you own?


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
Size matters in the aquarium hobby: Which is the largest fish you own/owned in the aquarium or in the pond (excluding plecos, sorry pleco owners...)?
I have a 10cm Glossepsis wanamensis.

My forays into keeping larger Geophagines resulted in a lot of space being used for large tanks, and endless water changes. Most people who go for big fish don't have the huge tanks that are needed to do it right, but they are usually pretty confident about doing it wrong! My largest tank is a 120 gallon now, so my largest fish is a rainbow (he has a bunch of almost equal sized companions).

The worst I ever saw was a wise looking old giant gourami that when side on to you, had 10cm on either side. He lived for years in a large cube, but moved in tight circles.
Hello. I have several 7 to 8 inch Goldfish in a 300 gallon tank.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I have small fish. Biggest I have right now is a dwarf gourami, about 3 inches. Going against the no pleco rule, I do have a bristlenose that will eventually be my biggest fish.
The one mounted on my wall...9 pound 13 ounce largemouth bass my Dad caught in the 70's

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