What is the highest Ph you have been able to


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2004
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JAGSonville, Florida
What is the highest Ph you have been able to use with these fish?

I am looking at mid to upper 8.5's to 8.9

Do any of you use softwater?

Malawian Fish, Peacocks
i have extremely soft water...i manage to keep my ph at about 8 and kh upto 10...

even crushed coral..endless amouths of shells and a whole tank full of tufa and holey rock my ph would still only be 7.6 maximum and kh about 4 without using bicarb.

bit of a pain.

i dream of having liquid concrete like the londoners have and always complain about :rolleyes:

noy sure what you mean in you question....is that your ph and you are wondering if thats ok for malawis?

if so...yes ideal...they will love it :D
My pH also stays high, usally around 8.6 most of the year without any problems.

I have a suspission that the older the cichlid the more pH change they can handle. Although this may be true because they have a better tolerance, and hence an immune system that is supperior. I think this because that when a cichlid is older it moves more towards the depths in the Lakes, where the pH is naturally higher and so they can tolerate high pH better.

African Cichlids
While maintaining a certain level of pH in the home aquarium, you have to take in to consideration where and how these fish were raised from fry. Many of the fish available on the market are pond raised or raised in a home aquarium. Many of the fish you find at the LFS already are accustomed to the pH in your tank.
I have kept my cichlids in a pH of about 8.0 and that includes my africans. They have never seemed to have a problem with lower pH levels even when I moved to an area with much softer water. I believe that while pH is a concern to the average hobbiest, it isnt as much a concern as some would lead you to believe. Pay close attention to the fish as they will tell you what and how much they can handle

Good luck

i have found also that cichlids are a little more tolerant than given credit for. the only species i have found to be sensitive to their conditions is m. johanni. this species does not seem to take change as well as others. if you acclimatize the fish slowly, the less problems you will have.

hey les, nice to see you back!

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