What is the exact name of this fish?

I've got Aquarium Atlas Vol 1,2 &3 at home, roughly about 900 fish species in all of them so I'll have a flick through the cichlid section and see if I can spot this lovely fella.
Which jewel are you talking about? Hemichromis bimiculatis, thomasi, elongatus? The closest one it resembles is the H. elongatus, but the colors are very different, and it has a more elongated face than this fish. It looks like a blue acara or an Aequidens coeruleopunctatus.
maybe a young jack dempsy , or some other cichlasoma , could even be a cross breed of a JD , and something else , I've seen texas jacks . texas cichlids accidently bred with JDs .
IMO it is a young JD there is now question about it in my mind, and female to boot, you can tell that most easily by the fact that most of the color is located on the gill plates but here is a pic of my 8 inch male for referance.


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