what is the defintion of arowana?

do you mean, what are they?
The arrowana is a fish that can grow gigantic ( I beleive about 2' 6") and need huge tank and filtration requirements, they are also fairly expensive. they are mouth brooders and are eaisily starled ( in which a two and a half foot fish would break your tank wide open). these fish are not for the beginer.
This is just what I know about them, CFC can tell you more when he finds this.
Thats about it frank though siver arowanas which are the most commonly seen species can get to a massive 4 feet! As would be expected from such a large fish they will eat any fish small enough to fit into their huge mouths so tankmates must be over 8" and prefferably be bottom dwellers, also the tank must be covered with a heavy lid to prevent them from knocking the hood off with one of their powerful jumps and ending up dried up on the floor.
well arowana is just a common name (i believe)
There is no particular defintion for it.
Now if you got the Scientific name for
the type of arowana you want us
to define then maybe. :crazy:
definition of an arowana. a member of the bony tongue fish family. well, I'm not quite sure what you mean here? whats the definition of a fish?
its a group of fish like any other......

they look like this:


as already pointed out they are bony fishes, there are several varietys of them, some of which are highly illegal in the USA (the ones from Aisa) however the Austrailian ones are readily available, Oh also they get big and can jump really well

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