What Is The Best Canister Filter?

i 100% agree with andywg if you go back through the preivious posts on this sort of topic it's always the same people bigging up the fluvals because they happen to have them and have never owned an eheim!

I bring up fluvals because I have owned them and used them with great success.

well i have an fx5 and many eheims and the fluval cannot even begin to compete with any of my eheims hell even the eheim ecco range beat fluval IMO!! and that says something.
A little bit os BS right there :blink: . The Fx5 has a TON of surface area unlike most little canistor filters, especially the ecco ehiem range. The Fx5 beats most canister filters in flow as well. The Ehiem 2080 ( I think it was) still did not have the flow of an Fx5. This was a proven flow test.

i have an eheim 2217 (part of the classic range that all actually come with the taps despite what is stated above!) and it is rated at 600 lites not 600 gallons. 600 litres is roughtly 180 US gallons also the flow is full ajustable on it so if that to much simply turn it down. the 2217 will run forever even if it breaks parts are easy to get and it is still half the price and half the size of the fluval which looks like it was designed by a blind man!

in short buy an eheim :lol: :good:

180 GPH as SLOW! IF it was 600 GPH I would think otherwise and still, subtract 25% from the rated output and thats what you probubly will have as an actualy output. 600 GPH rate flow is now at 450 GPH.

Ehiems are probubly built to last longer but the only filter that could ever really compaire with the Fx5 is Ehiems monster, 2080.

like i said has owned fluvals and not eheims! point proven really.

the fx5 may have all this surface area but it still only holds half the media that the 2080 does this was also PROVEN in the exact same test! and ffurther to that test the tetratec 1200 has the same saurface area as the fluval and it is half the size and less than half the price! also the eheim was proven quiter and more efficent in the same afformentioned test as well! eheims are better and the people who have many many many tanks on this forum all agree.

my fx5 has clogged up a grand total of 6 times in the last 7 months, in that time non of my eheims have or more notably non of my 2080/2180's(i have 3) have argue against that if you will. these sponges that the fluval have dont actualy seem to do anything as far as i can tell there never really filthy as you would exspect from all this supposed "power" that it has!

i got a bit confused on auto pilot earier and Sailor has pointed this out the ehim 2217 is actually rated at 1000 litres an hour or the 264gph as stated, it marked up as suitable for a tank of 600 litres.

in summary your post proves one thing you are as i stated earlier one of the ones who beleives fluvals are good because they are all you have ever had. the simple truth is fluval are a budget brand and that is why they are cheaper than eheims, much the same way a ford is cheaper than a BMW same principle! try an eheim classic just once and i garantee you that you will never go back to fluval ever again :good:
what ever size filter you buy get eheim

a filters for life not just for xmas
like i said has owned fluvals and not eheims! point proven really.
My experience with fluvals means nothing to you? Well it does to others.

the fx5 may have all this surface area but it still only holds half the media that the 2080 does this was also PROVEN in the exact same test! and ffurther to that test the tetratec 1200 has the same saurface area as the fluval and it is half the size and less than half the price! also the eheim was proven quiter and more efficent in the same afformentioned test as well! eheims are better and the people who have many many many tanks on this forum all agree.

the 2080 does hold more media and I was mainly telling you about the flow since you were saying that 600 liters was suppose to be better then the 550 GPH the Fx5 puts out. :blink:

Notice I have said "most" canister filters in my above post knowing there are other canister filters that may have better flow or have better properties then the Fx5. Bring up the Tetratec to try and prove a point is nonsence.

I don't disagree Ehiems are better nor would anyone else. The fx5 is near silent in my experience. I can't hear the damn thing unless i put my head right next to it. How much quieter do you want to get? My air pump which is extremely quiet is louder then the filter.

my fx5 has clogged up a grand total of 6 times in the last 7 months, in that time non of my eheims have or more notably non of my 2080/2180's(i have 3) have argue against that if you will. these sponges that the fluval have dont actualy seem to do anything as far as i can tell there never really filthy as you would exspect from all this supposed "power" that it has!

With all the surface area for the spunges in the fx5, I would certainly hope they wouldn't look filthy. If your fx5 clogged up 6 times in 7 months, something is wrong the way you have it set up.

Whats with the "supposed power" comment? Puts out 500-550 GPH +/- depending on media, I don't find that to have all this "supposed power".

i got a bit confused on auto pilot earier and Sailor has pointed this out the ehim 2217 is actually rated at 1000 litres an hour or the 264gph as stated, it marked up as suitable for a tank of 600 litres.

And the fluval is rated for 400 gallons. Point being? Infact, the "rated" tank gallons is rediculous. No way in hell would I put ONE fx5 or ONE filter of ANY kind unless it was a wet/dry setup on a tank over 200 gallons. This is how I look at it, 550 GPH on the fx5 on a 400 gallon tank. has less than 1.5 cylces per hour. Thats a little to low for my taste. 2217 at 264 GPH on a 158 gallon (600 liter) tank is only 1.6 cylces per hour. I would like my filter to cylce the tank atleast 3 times which would put the 2217 on an 80 gallon tank and the Fx5 on a 180 gallon tank. Not trying to be a jerk but compairing a 2217 with a fx5 is kinda non sence don't ya think?

I also look to see how much current the filter can make in the tank. Still water is bad for filtration. 1.5 cycles per hour on a 400 gallon tank is REALLLY bad. you would need a few power heads to get the water moving and that is just a bigger electric bill and more money spent in the short run.

in summary your post proves one thing you are as i stated earlier one of the ones who beleives fluvals are good because they are all you have ever had. the simple truth is fluval are a budget brand and that is why they are cheaper than eheims, much the same way a ford is cheaper than a BMW same principle! try an eheim classic just once and i garantee you that you will never go back to fluval ever again

I believe fluvals are good because I have NEVER had an issue with them and have had good success with them. If I had issues with fluvals and if they were the only filters Ihave ever used I would not say they are good. I have used AquaClear HOB filters as well and like them alot, I use the 110 which is rated at 500 GPH. If I used a Ehiem of the proper size, I wouldn't say fluvals are bad just because I used a ehiem because that would be incorrect. The fx5 is not a budget filter for sure. $250 is not in most peoples "budget". The 04 and o5 series is a budget filter. My 304 work like a charm on my 30 gallon and couldn't keep up on my 55 which is why I went with fx5 and the reason I went with another fluval is because I had great success with my old 304. I was also look for surface area so I wouldn't have to clean the filter as often.

I would have to use ehiem for 7+ years in order for me to never go back to fluval and to see how the ehiem would hold up. Thats how long my 304 has run and still runs. I will say this again, I will never and have never and would never like others, say that ehiem is not a good filter or say that its not the best considering the huge amount of great review from it.

Also, some that have had the ehiem, have never tried other filters as well. So the story goes both ways.
The eheim 2217 is rated at 264 gph. I have one on my 125g and I like it, It has given me no reason to buy anything different.

What type of fish do you have and are you using an power heads? Curious.
you fail to realise that the fluvals you have had are the exception rather than the rule. most fluvals break im afraid this is simple fact. and i have never ever heard of a fluval running 20+ years where as this is common place with eheims.

the reason i feel the 2217 id better than an fx5 is the 2217 actually hold more media than an fx and is less than half the size. i'll use an example to show why water movment is not everything. lets say as me you keep Cyprichromis leptosoma from lake tanganyika, a lake does not have masses of current blasting around and would make life very uncomfortable for such fish , filtration is not all about water movement as you seem to think. take a public aquarium i will use the blue planets marine shark tank as my example, this tank holds over 1 million gallons do you really beleive in tanks such as this they are filtering 3 million gallons an hour?? no they arnt it is al down to the surface area of the media they have lots of contact with lots of media and that makes for better filtration IMO.

my fx5 is set up properly the problem it has is that in all fairness it is a bit crap, the reason my fx5 clogged up so much was the little circle filter pads that fit in the trays they clog up so easy it is not even funny after cleaning them again and again i just simply removed them thinking this would solve the problem. but no without them there is nothing to actually hold the debris in the filter itself and it all builds up and clogs the pipes(a good reason not to use ribbed pond tubing in an aquarium). your telling me my comparisons are nonsence but the fact remains i own all these filters and that puts me in a far better position to judge them than you im afraid. just for a bit of clarrification i own the following external filters and i used to own all the old fluval externals at one time but they got thrown away.

fluval fx5
eheim 2080
eheim 2180 x 2
eheim 2227
eheim 2222
eheim 2234
eheim 2213 x 2
eheim 2211
eheim 2217
eheim 2126
tetra tec ex 1200

these are what i actually have running on various tanks, and i tell you now i would trust the little eheim 2211 more than the fx5! it is powerful i grant you that i cant dispute that. but i am testement to the fact that power does not mean anything when it fails to make use of it. the reason i feel the sponges are never filthy is beacause the water does not pass through them as it should. it is a very poorly designed filter it has a horrible shape that does not fit anywhere with ease.

were never going to agree on this that much is plain here, if you wish to continue this little discussion lets please take it on to PM as we are only succeding in ruining GaLinemansWife's thread and it is not fair. :no:

GaLinemansWife the simple thing is everyone is going to have there own opinion but this was covered some time ago in a poll and eheim were the clear winners by a country mile so IMO and alot of other peoples opinions they are the best choice :good:
i think the fx5 is crap its just one big sponge

if its sponges you you want get the eheim pro3 2080 and i will give you a tip to add more sponges than the fx5 without losing and of the media one of the advantages of haveing 2 intake pipes :good:

i run

2 x eheim pro 3 2080s
2 x eheim pro 3 2078s
2 x eheim 2252 inturnals

and with the little trick to give you more sponges 2 x blagoon 5000 sealed pond buckets

my tank is packed with big fish

eheim are the best FACT a bit more expencive but the filter systerm is the kidney of your tank dont cut costs a eheim will last 10yr +
eheim are the best FACT a bit more expencive but the filter systerm is the kidney of your tank dont cut costs a eheim will last 10yr +
I agree with everything you say T1. I have had Fluval and Eheim, only Eheims remain. I even choose Eheim for my sump return pumps. It has been an interesting point that most people who own eheim and any other brand choose eheim.

If we were to include internals I wonder whether Tunze would win. Their deep gravel based filter with anaerobic areas for nitrate removal and the ability to grow hydroponics in the top is an interesting concept that could be fantastic on a large sumped system (if scaled up). There can be few doubts about the ability of Tunze to produce fantsatic products.
The eheim 2217 is rated at 264 gph. I have one on my 125g and I like it, It has given me no reason to buy anything different.

What type of fish do you have and are you using an power heads? Curious.

Two Severum, Two Firemouths, one Convict, One Feather fin, Two Pictus Cats, One Bristle nose, Three Giant Danios, and One Gourami, No power heads.
i have to aggreee with jgray , i love my FX5 , personally nothing has gone wrong with it , the user before me had it for 3 onths , ive had it for 6 months. Some people might say this is nothing , but i know people with fluval externals who have had them for over 10 years.

If you look after a fluval then it will last very long , just like other filters. my freind also has an eheim ecco and says its a pain to clean.

Personally its down to personal choice.

Id have to go with fluval - much cheaper and does the same job.

MojoDex, I do agree with the surface area. I wish I knew how much is enough. I suppose this would be all trail and error.
Im going to stick up for Tetratec.

Had it 9 months and I keep opening it up to see if it needs the media needs cleaning (only done once so far)

And my water is crystal clear even though I dont have the carbon or filter floss in it.

This is with 4 plecs, 2 rams, 10 cardinals and 3 Otos in a 125Ltr.

Had a fluval internal before was 3 years old when I opted for external and is in my garage as backup. Never had a problem with it.

I thikn the crux of the matter is Eheim relies on the longevity reviews and Eheim owners always chime in about this but how can anyone compare a new filter like the Tetratec without waiting 10 years to see if it is still working? The answer is they can't so people will have to wait 10 years before knocking the Tetratec.

One thing I will say is that all these Eheim owners who say that Eheims last 10 years+ are always saying that spare parts are easily available!! Does this mean that they have had to find this out? Is it the Trigger brush off Only fools and horse that he says:

'Ive had this brush 20 years and never had a problem with it. It's had 7 new handles and 4 new heads'

I wonder.

even thow i love eheim i wouldnt recomend the classic models to a newbie to fishkeeping they are a dam pain to get closed and started buy the time you add the price of the double taps you will need its cheaper to buy a eheim pro

all of the pro eheims are the best filters known to man and will last 10yrs+
Im going to stick up for Tetratec.

Had it 9 months and I keep opening it up to see if it needs the media needs cleaning (only done once so far)

And my water is crystal clear even though I dont have the carbon or filter floss in it.

This is with 4 plecs, 2 rams, 10 cardinals and 3 Otos in a 125Ltr.

Had a fluval internal before was 3 years old when I opted for external and is in my garage as backup. Never had a problem with it.

I thikn the crux of the matter is Eheim relies on the longevity reviews and Eheim owners always chime in about this but how can anyone compare a new filter like the Tetratec without waiting 10 years to see if it is still working? The answer is they can't so people will have to wait 10 years before knocking the Tetratec.

One thing I will say is that all these Eheim owners who say that Eheims last 10 years+ are always saying that spare parts are easily available!! Does this mean that they have had to find this out? Is it the Trigger brush off Only fools and horse that he says:

'Ive had this brush 20 years and never had a problem with it. It's had 7 new handles and 4 new heads'

I wonder.


i dont recall anyone slating the tetratec to be fair but since you insist, i actually have one and the impellor shattered, not broke SHATTERED! but the saving grave of the tetratec is that the hoses are a normal size so i just put it inline on one of my eheims :good:

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