What Is The Best Betta Tank?


Oct 13, 2005
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Horsham, West sussex
hi :) i was thinking about purchasing a betta tank, but i havn't quite researched about them enough.
so, what is the best betta tank and where can i purchase a fairly cheap one?
The general rule of thumb is fairly simple -- if it's over a gallon, it's (most likely) good (with proper care).

Others will expound on this rule by saying, "longer than it is tall," since they are air breathers.
Stiill more will say, "it depends on the fish."

For some fish, like my Sori, anything other than a nice, squat, totally still bowl will probably kill them right away. For still more, anything less than 10 gallons will depress them.

My bettas enjoy live plants, especially the matty sort that they can sit down on when they sleep and still be close to the surface. I don't use substrate, since that just makes 'bowl changing day' too much of a hassle for me.

Generally, since bettas tend to vary wildly with need, it's best simply to look at your fish and ask yourself a few questions:

Is he/she a good swimmer?
Is he/shee a 'messy fish'?
Are they docile, or aggressive?
Are they curious?

Some fish actually seem happier in smaller thanks, while others get depressed in 'em.

My perfect tank seems to be around 2 gallons, flat, with java fern.
I guess that kinda depends on where you're from. If you're mainland USA, most chain stores have great deals on 1-3 gallon, squat containers that bettas would love. If you're somewhere yonder USA... you'll have to wait for someone else to reply.

One container which I've personally been interested in, is the "Herp Haven Breeder", which is a long, squat tank.

You can order online from www.petco.com or www.petsmart.com, as well.

Another option, which I tend to favor, is the Salvation Army or Goodwill, or any garage sale. If you're antsy, you can go to a wholesale store and purchase a big old container of pickles or pepperocini for around $3, enjoy several very good sandwiches, and have a perfectly serviceable container. A deli is another place you can get these containers, usually for free. The big ones are just shy of a US gallon.

However, if you want something intended for fish... uhn... any place with a big chain-store name, will generally have better prices on plastic tanks, than a small mom-and-pop store.

On the other hand, if you find a good mom-and-pop store, cling to it like a life line. It'll be really rewarding.
Sounds it.

Again, it's sort of fish-oriented. Do you have one who's needing an upgrade, or are you just wanting to start out on a good foot?
im just starting 'the betta thing' - i thought i would be different as i have some quite big community tanks and thought i might try somthing smaller :D
thanks for all you info soritan.
Well, I only hope I was accurate. I do feel quite cowed when I unintentionally give bad advice.

However, I do believe you're quite alright with your 3 gallon 'goldfish bowl'.
Well, I only hope I was accurate. I do feel quite cowed when I unintentionally give bad advice.

However, I do believe you're quite alright with your 3 gallon 'goldfish bowl'.
i have complete confidence in you, and once again thanks :D
*off to fill goldfish bowl with water*
Well, I do like to think that our fish are happier with 'more', when they're able. That's the only problem, though.. figuring out when they're able.

I lost a fish because I thought he was able, and it turned out he wasn't. It was rather recently, actually, and I do continue to feel quite the heel about it.

I think, as far as bettas go, that starting in the 1-3 gallon neighborhood, and then slowly working up from there, is probably the safest route to take. In the 1-3 gallon neighborhood, though, the water chemistry is pretty much under your direct control. You need to be on top of it, otherwise your fishes will suffer. I think the fish I lost, probably would have had a grand time in a 5 gallon, as he was too adventerous for a 1gal and too small for a 10gal.

But cest le vie (or some other French phrase).

Either way, they're very curious little intelligent fishes. They'll appreciate whatever you can do for them. Just mind the current!
watch out with unheated bowls though, especially now the weather is getting colder, they will need heaters
and a cover because they are known for jumping.
i have my bettas in a variety of tanks, one in a cheap acrylic (kritter keeper type) tank and (what soon will be) two in expensive glass tanks.

the one in the cheap tank seems to be the happiest!!
I have a betta in an Aqua 40.
IMHO this is the best aquarium for a betta.
they retail at arond £45 includes filter and a light built into the hood.
I have a betta in an Aqua 40.
IMHO this is the best aquarium for a betta.
they retail at arond £45 includes filter and a light built into the hood.
that isn't bad...
a lot of things to consider really

Check out the Waterhome 3's (3 gallons) on this website, they come with a light built in pump and filter medium. All you need is a heater.
The pump is really quiet and it doesn't create a lot of water movement so the Betta's are happy.


Also on offer on Ebay, same style but different name -
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