What is She?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Puget Sound area, WA USA
Hello, :D
I've have two females of this fish shown:

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NOTE: Both are 2 1/3rd inches long. Longer than my Fancy Guppies and Feeder Guppies.

Please help me identify! I have Fancy Guppy males and Platy males that will not mate with either one.

I've had them for several months. Both are livebearers (they each have had Fry in my tank).

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! I have been on every web site I can search, trying to identify them.
i dodesn't looks like molly its looks more like guppy a female colourless guppy maybe its cross betwween a mollie and guppy..... -_- its tail end just doesn't look like a mollies tail more like fmeale guppys :D :thumbs:
This has to be a female guppy, I 've had those in the tank for a couple of years. I think it's known as a common or a feeder guppy
could be either...i have a molly that looks exactly the same as that fish does.
I've seen guppies that were over 2 in, so even with that size it could very well be a guppy. Sure looks like a guppy, but I've never had mollies so I can't compare.
I went back to the local fish store where I got the two mystery fish and asked, "What is this?"

It's a Common Molly. :rolleyes:

Thank you for all your input!!!
I had a few responses suggesting it was a cross between this and that. Is it possible to have a crossbreed? Is there really a Mollyguppy? :huh:
theres a "guppy-tailed molly", has the tail shape of a fancy guppy, but i don't know if its actually a cross-breed or anything like that.......

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