What Is My Turtle?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
College Station & Huntsville, Texas
I caught him and another like him(but about 6" long), here in Huntsville, Texas...

The big one we let go in our pond, and the little one I adopted for my aquarium...

His name is James. I have no idea what kind of turtle he is...

And I've been wanting one of those...
No...I'm not jealous... :X what size tank do you have him in?
Why are turtles so cute.
Aww you took him away from his friend :-(
Are turtles social? Because if they are you should probably put them together..just a thought.
MegTheFish said:
Aww you took him away from his friend :-(
Are turtles social? Because if they are you should probably put them together..just a thought.
i caught him 50ft from his "friend"...

now he is friends with my little r.e.s.(red eared slider)...

they swim together and stack on eachother under their basking light...

Cichlid said:
whats with all the stuff u catch outta ur stream

i like catching stuff.
yeah great looking turtle i love catching stuff too... i've caught some wierd fish that seem to be very friendly with my lamp eye fish
You know what would be a great idea? If I can't find that type of turtle at any store when I'm willing to buy one, you can get two for me and I can go pick them up. You're only like 2-3 hours away from me :shifty: :p

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