What is it about a Comet Goldfish, that says “eat me” ???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Pet store was out of Rosy Minnows, and had Comets for sale, at the same price… bought 10… the second they hit the water in the bichir tank, they were attacked… not by the bichir, as their eye sight is poor, but by the 2 earth eaters, which never gave a 2nd look at the half the comet sized, zebra Oto’s that were in their previous tank… never saw them try to eat any fish before, yet they both hit comets the 2nd they hit the water???
It's a death wish. Putting feeder comets in the same tank as a Geophagus will probably kill the blackwater fish. I doubt the Geos want to eat them, but probably just dislike their colouration. The disease transfer is a game of Russian roulette, played with every feeding. They won't live long in a tank with often diseased feeders.
I have one predatory fish… the gold fish were “feeders” in an attempt to not have just one fish in the tank, there are some silver dollars, and I had to put those earth eaters somewhere… I never ordered them, and am so glad I got them out of my other tank… I understand the risk to the regulars in the tank ( surely no more risk with comets, than there is with rosy minnows raised as “feeders”

I usually added a small scoop of a pellet mix for the silver dollars, and the earth eaters, so they aren’t starving… there must be something about comets that say “eat me”???
If you want feeder fish, breed and grow your own. It is much safer for the fish you are giving them too due to fewer diseases, and if you have a variety of feeder fishes and shrimp, the fish eating them is less likely to get nutritional problems.

There is something goldfish and carp (pretty sure it's goldfish and carp) have and if fish eat a lot of them, they can get sick. It's not a disease and I can't remember what it is but apparently it causes problems to the predator fish.
More than 25 years ago, I was into predatory fish, and before the www. It was discussed that they had too high a fat content to feed goldfish consistently… though my salt water lion fish, went from 2 inches to the size of an American football 🏈 on a diet of predominantly gold fish

Comets were purchased, as the shop was out of the regular “feeders” I use ( Rosy minnows )
Rosys are as dangerous. But the easiest grow your own in our climate (we aren't in Australia) doesn't work. Tilapia have millions of quick growing food fish, but they also have spiky defences. Livebearers would take months to get to food size, and a ton of space.

It's a catch 22. Feeders are dirt cheap, and to be dirt cheap, they are badly treated.

The only obligatory fish eater I ever kept were pike gouramis, Luciocephalus. I couldn't coax them into eating anything that didn't swim. I had to buy guppies, and the cause of death for my gouramis was a bacterial disease caught from feeder gups.

I wonder if there's something in the colour? Rosy minnows are a colour sport, a mutation of an olive green fish. Goldfish are the same. Does the trade use them because their colours attract predators? They are in the same colour range. I don't like feeding fish to fish, and don't generally go in for fish that need other fish to eat (I was doing a book about gouramis when I got the "pikes", and wanted hands on experience before I wrote). But you raise a question there.

I used to live beside an army base, and the soldiers bought piranhas like they were going out of style. There was one local store that had piranhas, but also had tank after tank of red swordtails. Only old fashioned brick red swords. Again, the colour question...
There is something goldfish and carp (pretty sure it's goldfish and carp) have and if fish eat a lot of them, they can get sick. It's not a disease and I can't remember what it is but apparently it causes problems to the predator fish.
Thiaminase. It's an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 and causes nutritional imbalances.

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