What is Humane?


New Member
Nov 29, 2003
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What is the humane way to dispose of a sick or diseased fish? My betta has a grossly distended belly and his scales do not look like my other betta. I have had animals euthenized humanely by vets but have no idea what to do with a sick betta. What have other betta owners done in this situation? Help.
Is it safe to bury a dead fish underground? I ask because we built a leaf burying site in the back yard where we simply bury leafs and cover them up. The site is all set up for leaves to enter. Can I bury the fish in there to decay with the leaves? Not that my fish are dead or anything.
You probably don't want to hear this or even try it but, imo, quickly severing it's head is the most human. jmo.
Best way to euthanase a fish is to wrap it in a damp clothe and hit it with a hammer or similar heavy object, very quick and clean.
I'd be careful burying fish in a compost heap (leaf litter). It may attract rats etc to a loose pile of leaves they can get at. Best bury them some were deeper and less likely to be got at by scavengers.
Main Entry: rhe·tor·i·cal
Pronunciation: ri-'tor-i-k&l, -'tär-
Variant(s): also rhe·tor·ic /ri-'tor-ik, -'tär-/
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
1 a : of, relating to, or concerned with rhetoric b : employed for rhetorical effect; especially : asked merely for effect with no answer expected <a rhetorical question>
bgraber said:
Main Entry: rhe·tor·i·cal
Pronunciation: ri-'tor-i-k&l, -'tär-
Variant(s): also rhe·tor·ic  /ri-'tor-ik, -'tär-/
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
1 a : of, relating to, or concerned with rhetoric b : employed for rhetorical effect; especially : asked merely for effect with no answer expected <a rhetorical question>
Huh? :huh:

How do you spell that? :whistle:
commanderdoom21 said:
Alright, so basically, I put the leaf at the middle of the pre dug hole. Then I bury it in fish, and cover it with sand. I get it. Thanx.
Woops, I meant put the fish at the bottom and cover it with leaves. Stupid me.

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