Inbreeding is a lot more likely to cause deformities than hybridization.
not in the least.
they are both equally as bad.
try asking any biologist!
You try asking a biologist. Have you ever heard of hybrid vigor? They teach it in high school.
IMO its not really bad if you cull out the bad, deformed ones. If it wasn't for inbreeding we wouldn't have the dogs we have today. If it wasn't for hybridization we wouldn't be producing nearly as much food as we have today. I'm not saying hybridization doesn't have the occasional deformity, I am just saying inbreeding is more likely to result in deformities. The 'a lot' wasn't really necessary though.
yes my young friend. i do know about hetrosis. but, unlike you, i understand its a bad thing.
animals grow uncontrollably, they ofetn grow to the point where their bones cannot take the weight. they also come with a host of other problem. that all need medical treatment..
so you grow a hybrid giant, which is ill all the time, and cant breed. (or they can breed but the offspring are more like the original grandparents) so even nature takes the cats back to, something, more like where they started.
all you have is a fish to serve your ego.
because the only reason life exists, is to propagate the species.but as these animals don't (see above)
fortunately, it only happens in certain circumstances.
the only people who peddle hetrosis as good, are pedigree dog/cat and agricultural breeders.
and only then as a solution to their centuries of inbreeding. to try and salvage something from the mess they caused.
check the meds cabinet(building?) of your average milk farmer (the Holstein cow is one of the worst case of the problems caused by hybridization/inbreeding.) at any point upwards of 50% of his stock will be on medication just to survive.
sure we get more milk per cow. we also get more antibiotics, per milk drink, that you average GP would ever proscribe. with the associated problems of resistance that causes.
yes hetrosis can have benefits, if humans are looking to breed specific traits.
but take the Holstein. this, supposedly, WAS created by experts (sic). yet its one of the most sickly animals alive.
And you think you are qualified to experiment yourselves?