In the past two weeks we have sadly lost eight fish in our tank. We have a 55 gallon tank with a combination of 4 small angels, 10 platys, 4 blood fin tetras, 1 elephant nose, 1 loach and 3 dwarf guaramis. We run two penguin 200 filters and have the water temp set at 78> Our water has been tested daily over the past week and all levels are ideal. None of the fish are show any sign of disease. All of the fish were gradually acclimated to the tank, bags floated, adding water from our tank every ten minutes with release after about half an hour. We clean our tank once a week with a gravel vacuum, doing about a 25 percent water change. I need help!! i do not want to lose anymore of my babies. My only thought is perhaps i am overfeeding or underfeeding. I feed them once a day, ensuring that all food is consumed at a reasonable rate. I feed them tropical flakes. I have also introduced blood worms and brine shrimp. I alos treat them with algae discs a couple of times a week.