What is a good food for Electric Yellow Cichlids? Would Tetra TetraCichlid Balanced Diet Flakes Food for Cichlids work out or do they need more protein?
Yellow labs are a species of mbuna that come from Lake Malawi in Africa. They are primarily vegetarian and do best on spirulina (algae) based foods. I prefer to use Cobalt Spirulina Pellets mixed with the same brand of large cichlid pellets.
I'm not fan of Tetra brand foods because they are either flakes or pellets that are too big and don't sink, which is what my cichlids seem to prefer. I like Aqueon mini cichlid pellets and I also have OmegaOne Veggie Kelp pellets they like as well.
Don't feed too much protein to mbuna cichlids, a diet high in protein is linked to Malawi bloat and Africans that become bloated rarely recover.