What Insects Could You Feed To Goldfish?


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
could you feed goldfish ants,termites,flies, earthworms, and im out of ideas :D what other insects can you feed goldfish, that you can find in your garden?
I wouldn't recommend anything found in the garden as you have no idea if the insect has ingested or come into contact with any pestisides or other toxins.
I'd watch it with the ants - some of them can squirt formic acid.

Even if it doesn't harm the goldies could still bugger up the Ph!

Think the other stuff will be fine though - my panchax are partial to crane flies. :hey:
ok good news i think, i was looking in our woods, and i found a small termite colony, they will be alright to feed right? thanks for the help!
how would it make having a pond dangerous? unless do you mean about the ants, and then falling in the water, and then the fish eating the ants, cause i would agree on that, but i dont think that the termites would hurt a pond.
ok i jsut foudn this information on termites, so im not sure if this is the same termite type as it says but:

Some species possess also “chemical weapons” except for the mighty jaws. When the termite is attacked its abdominal muscles contract and a poisonous liquid pours over the enemy which is usually an insect. The secretion contains benzochinon and triens and quickly reacts with the air and gets thick. The limbs of the victim clot so it is paralysed.

Sometimes, when the whole colony is in danger all the termites release the liquid at the same time, even those which weren’t threatened directly. This is due to their communication system based on pheromones, bioactive substances with a strong smell. Their collective defense is incredible
-_- :blink: :unsure:
why do you want to feed insects to your goldfish??? :S
we dont use pesticides, this is jsut in our yard, not garden. i am 100% sure they havnt been sprayed. im waiting a day or 2 before i feed them to make usre there isnt any crazy behavior or death. if the only concern is if they have any made made poisen products on them, then im assuming that they are safe to consume as long as they are not consuming the soldier ants whichgive off a poisen from their mouth/head.
threaten them urself by like using a stick or suttin.see if they excrete

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