What In The..


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I've read contless discussions on a GC, and I stop reading for a few days, come back an theirs a general hobbies section?

What if my most important hobby is a un-structured discussion amoung fellow humans? I haven't seen that in the GH section!
I think the intention is if general talk is your hobby than you can go fulfill that need in thousands of other places on the internet. TFF isn't obligated to fulfill all of it's members most important hobbies. Just a few chosen ones. I think we are lucky that a hobbies section was brought back at all and if we prove we can handle this privledge, who knows what will be brought back.

Well, now you can have as unstructured discussions as you want in the hobbies forum, as long as it is related to arts & crafts and photography, books music and films, cooking and recipees, computers, plants and gardening, or sports. :p
if we prove we can handle this privledge, who knows what will be brought back.
I don't think after the whole "spiel"(sp?) with it, I highly doubt it'll be brought back.
But then again, the Mods are weird folks. ;)
But then again, the Mods are weird folks.

Yep, calling us all weird sure will get you an "un-structured discussion among fellow humans" section of the General Hobby Forum. :huh:

For the time being i highly doubt that a "General" section such as before will be released. First and foremost, this is a fish forum and if your not here to talk about fish, you really are in the wrong place.

Secondly, from my experience solely (not speaking on behalf of anybody else on this forum) an "un-structured" forum is utterly useless as it causes too many problems and it seems that some people have a problem in settling a dispute in the civil way, that is, agreeing to disagree, rather, they prefer to flame others for not conforming to their view.....which as you might guess causes a great deal of problems and distracts everybody from the primary objective of this forum: fish

However, not to destroy all hope, I’m positive that if the General Hobby section goes well for a period of time, there will be talks into expanding it to encompass even more categories ;)
I was really pleased to see the new forum it gives us somewhere else to chat about the things we like to do, and it creats a better community.
I was really pleased to see the new forum it gives us somewhere else to chat about the things we like to do, and it creats a better community.

I agree! :nod:

Altho all of our primary reasons to be on the forum in the first place is to talk about fish its great to get to know other peoples interests and view on a variety of subjects and it is what I really enjoy about this forum. Its feels much more friendly encourages people to stay on for longer nad chat more!

Look at me I've spent most of my working day on here doing nothing but reading a variety of posts and replying to a few! Ok so I should have been working but while the boss is away........
Are we weird? Do ya think Doggfather?

Anyway, I think Doggfather's comments are dead on. There are a few mods (to remain unnamed for now) who support a general chat area. However, the unstructurededness can lead down a path which, for this forum, is more destructive than constructive. It happened once before and this IS a place for aquarism.

The creation of a general hobbies/interests area now provides more opportunity for our fellow members to share more interests than just fish but in a more positive arena. SH
I may be wrong, but i think the thing that the mods fear most about a general topics section is political and religeon orientated debates- these sorts of things can cause people to tear each other apart and need alot of supervision, even with warnings of not to do these sorts of threads people will still often try and push the boundarys/rules if they can. I was once guilty of that myself on another forum years ago. By the way if anyone wants to let off some steam about these sorts of topics every now and then, heres a good place to go(by the way its not called the bear pit for nothing), i am a member there too and it helps when i want to chat about more than just guppys and stuff;


I generally agree that this is a place for fish talk and thus we should be happy if we are allowed anymore sections than just that, but then again we also have plenty of non-fish orientated sectiosn too like the pets sections- any forum you will go to will almost always have a general topics/chat section.
Im personally grateful we have the new sections, and i hope when time rolls by and everything runs smoothly we may be allowed to get some more general sections :nod: :thumbs: .
I don't see why there won't be more sections added in the future if the present ones do as well as they are. SH
I agree Doggfather. Seriously, think about what this forum is made for. Hmm, where do I look for un-structured discussion amoung fellow humans? Oh, I know, a Fish Forum! Not. Seriously, this topic is odd and should be closed.

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