What Im Thinking


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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The Tank! Ferplast Caymen 80, Scenic Proffesional

I will be running this, im going to buy a powerhead and 3 socket wavemaker thingy so i can make currents!
3 Step complete filtration system (BluWave05 and BluPower 350 l/h)
BluClima 100W heater.
2 x 18W light tubes.
150 litre capacity
and the dimensions

L 81.5cm

H 52.5cm


The Fish

This Is My Plan On Fish At The Moment, To Start Me Off, I Have The Money And Resources But If I Need Anything specially for the fish, tell me!


5x Angelfish

6 in (15 cm)

Opportunistic Eater. May eat meat, insects, or plant matter.
[Omnivorous] Tropical flake food, live black worms, brine shrimp, Frozen and freeze dried foods.


1x Betta

2 in (5 cm)

Opportunistic Eater. May eat meat, insects, or plant matter.

Omnivorous] Tubifex and Blood worms, flake, frozen brine, most freeze-dried foods


1x Chinese Algae Eater

5 in (13 cm)

Plant Eater / Algae Grazer

[Herbivorous] Flakes, shrimp pellets, fresh vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, green beans, peas, algae wafers/pellets


1x Cockatoo cichlid

3 in (8 cm)

Opportunistic Eater. May eat meat, insects, or plant matter.

[Omnivorous] Flake, frozen brine, tubifex worms


1x Common Pleco

12 in (30 cm)

Opportunistic Eater. May eat meat, insects, or plant matter.

[Omnivorous] Vegetables, algae, bottom feeder pellets. A varied diet including worms and other meats is optimal.


1x Freshwater Moray Eel

24 in (61 cm)

Meat Eater, generally prey on other fish and / or fry of other species.

[Carnivorous] Small (1") fish and shrimp such as glass shrimp


1x Plecostomus

24 in (61 cm)

Opportunistic Eater. May eat meat, insects, or plant matter.

[Omnivorous] Algae, Algae wafers, Sinking Omnivore pellets or wafers, Bog wood for roughage.


1x Rainbow Shark

6 in (15 cm)

Opportunistic Eater. May eat meat, insects, or plant matter.

[Omnivorous] Flake, Small Pellet, Freeze-Dried and Frozen


I DONT THINK THAT THE Plecostomus and the Common Pleco will go that well together, but, i havnt done the fishless cycle yet, so this is what im thinking when its done, also info and help would be greatfull, like if some fish dont go together will they all fit in this tank? cheers!


The Plants And Decor

Well, this is what im thinking of, i will add some information!


Anubias Barteri "coffefolia"


Bolbitis Heudelotii


Echinodorus Martii (maior)


Echinodorus 'rose'


Gymnocoronis spilanthoides


Hemigraphis Colorata


Lilaeopsis novae-zealandiae


Limnophilla Aromatica


Ludwigia Arcuata


Myriophyllum aquaticum (green & red)

T5 Lights To Be Added


Slate Caves


Feel Free To Comment On What I Want Done, Cheers. By The Way, Im A Beginner
If I calculated it correctly your tank is around 40 US gallons. I'm not experienced with all of the fish listed, but I can comment on a few.

Both of the plecos listed will grow too large for your tank. However there are quite a few plecos that stay under 8 inches. Here's a link you might want to browse http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=132656.

Bettas are generally not a good community fish. Many debates have been made about this and it usually comes down to the individual betta and the "nip factor" of the other tank mates. That being said, angelfish will almost definately shred a male bettas fins. Since you are heavily planting you may have better luck with a female betta, however they can be hit or miss as well.

Siamese algae eaters are another fish that have been heavily debated. Some people have had luck with them, though the vast majority seem to have problems. As juveniles they are docile and wonderful algae eaters, as adults they will often become territorial and develop a taste for the slime coats of other fish, often leading to bacterial infections, and possibly death. A better alternative might be otocinclus catfish, they are small, do best in groups of 3 or more. They, like many plecos, should only be added to a mature tank (running 6 months or more). They are a delicate fish, and some people can't keep them alive, while others swear by them, all in all they are worth a try as they will eat the algae off your plants w/o harming them. Here's a link on otos http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/Fishindx/oto-vittatus.htm.

Lastly, though I have had no experience with it, from everything I can find, the so-called Freshwater Moray Eel (Echidna rhodochilus) is actually a brackish fish that will occasionally go into fresh water, but will not survive in it for long, and will therefore not be suitable with any of the other fish listed.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm being negative about your fish choices, but I'm trying to save you a headache and a lot of dead fish. If you want to use the angelfish as the centerpiece of your tank, you might post in the New World cichlid section http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showforum=28 , Tolak is an angelfish breeder and can give you a wealth of information on compatible tankmates.

Good luck, Dawn.
thanks dawn, im greatfull for your help, im a bit gutted about not being able to have the plecos, and bettas,
what about golden nuggets, and also, im buying a 10 gallon, im making a mangrove tank as well, when my main tank is done and adding mud skippers, any fish that would go in a really sandy tank?
Well, there are lots of other plecos to chose from in the link I sent you, so you can still have a pleco.

And as far as the betta, you could always get a nice little 5gal setup and keep a betta on his own or with some shrimp, or a snail, or even dwarf frogs. Bettas are quite happy on their own (I have two) and they do interact with you.

I've never kept mudskippers, so I can't comment there, though I'm sure there's someone on here that can help you.
I do, but i was thinking of a big-ass fish, something that looks really cool, but yeh, my lfs only sells 3 plecs, the two in my page an a golden nugget, thing is, i really love bettas and i would love him to go in my main tank, but im afraid it would be better not to get him, and stick with fish that can fit in my tank

I was thinlking a sort of sharky plec tank, with really cool looking fish,
and some sharks, but i will get some smaller plecs!

I do, but i was thinking of a big-ass fish, something that looks really cool, but yeh, my lfs only sells 3 plecs, the two in my page an a golden nugget, thing is, i really love bettas and i would love him to go in my main tank, but im afraid it would be better not to get him, and stick with fish that can fit in my tank

I was thinlking a sort of sharky plec tank, with really cool looking fish,
and some sharks, but i will get some smaller plecs!
A mudskipper needs its own tank with half brackish water half mud bank. I can't think of any fish that'll be able to survive in those conditions other than a mudskipper...

The angels and the betta will fight to the death.
The CAE will suck the eyes/slime coat out of other fish.
The plecs are /way/ too big for that size tank
Theres no such thing as a freshwater moray eel, that, and they grow /HUGE/

I suppose the only thing that looks like it'd work out alright is possibly the angels with the chiclid. But only with /heavy/ cover.

(and unless you plan on giving them away or killing them at some point, theres no such thing as 'small' plecs, just temporarily un-huge ones)
SO What SHould i get for some good looking fish?
thanks, by the way, happy birthday, u wernt online when i registered so i couldnt say happy b-day, also, you are a few months younger than me!


Black Shark

Grows to: 10"
Temp Range70-80
Number to Buy Hardiness:1

I Wanna make a mainly sharks thing.

I Like This Community, said to go well

(and unless you plan on giving them away or killing them at some point, theres no such thing as 'small' plecs, just temporarily un-huge ones)

I beg to differ, Onemisterchristian was kind enough to list 30 plecos that stay under 8", even in the wild. There are so many pleco species that most don't even have common names, and the have a wide range of sizes. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=132656
Howabout This Setup

1x Polka Dot Pimelodella Catfish 6''
2x African Frog 5'' x 2 = 10''
1x Black Shark 10''
1x Irridescent Shark 12''
1x Red Tail Shark 4.5"
1x Red Rainbow Shark 5"
1x Tri Color Shark 8-10"
3x Corydoras Catfish 3'' x 3 = 9''
1 - 2x Chinese Algae Eater 4.5" x 2 = 9''

They're all under 12''

Its 75'' of fish, is that too much for a 150litre?
(and unless you plan on giving them away or killing them at some point, theres no such thing as 'small' plecs, just temporarily un-huge ones)

I beg to differ, Onemisterchristian was kind enough to list 30 plecos that stay under 8", even in the wild. There are so many pleco species that most don't even have common names, and the have a wide range of sizes. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=132656

I'm referring to what he's probably looking at, garden variety petco plecos (common)
Howabout This Setup

1x Polka Dot Pimelodella Catfish 6''
2x African Frog 5'' x 2 = 10''
1x Black Shark 10''
1x Irridescent Shark 12''
1x Red Tail Shark 4.5"
1x Red Rainbow Shark 5"
1x Tri Color Shark 8-10"
3x Corydoras Catfish 3'' x 3 = 9''
1 - 2x Chinese Algae Eater 4.5" x 2 = 9''

They're all under 12''

Its 75'' of fish, is that too much for a 150litre?

Well, not if they were all small things like tetras. But the fish you've picked- way too much. The adult sizes quoted are a bit off, as is compatability-

There are two types of frogs- african dwarf and african clawed. The former won't do well in a large tank- they're not the best at targeting food, whereas the latter does grow large but will also eat fish. The black shark will grow larger than 10", and contrary to what you've read are hyper-aggressive once they're past a certain size. Assuming by Irridescent Shark you mean a pangasius, these too often grow larger than 12". Besides which, in a tank your size, there's no way you can house anything over 8". Both the ~5" sharks are also very aggressive, especially to similarly shaped fish. The Tri-colour shark, again, much too large for your tank, and is a peaceful fish that needs to be in groups. The cories would be very out of place and get eaten very quickly, the chinese algae eater would have a field day munching on all the flat sided fish once it got large.

You need to decide where you're going with this tank. Community? From what I can gather, you want a tank with medium but oddball fish that will co-exist happilly. If that's the case, why not post in the oddball section? They'll know exactly the set-up you're after and will be able to suggest suitable stock lists.

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