What I'm doing in my room for bettas


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
What me and my parents are going to do in my room is quite sweet. We are going to make a whole wall a huge ginormous clock. I'm not going to use numbers for the end, oh no, we are going to use bettas! Don't worry, I have bad sinuses, so my room is pretty hot and humid. One for each hour, which means 12 more bettas for me! :kana: I'll post pix of design later. Don't worry, the tanks will be app. 1 gallon.

EDIT: Here's a rough sketch, I'm normally way better on Paint, but I'm tired.
That sounds pretty interesting. Just be careful not to knock the containers off the platform thingies...
Oh man, what an awesome idea! That's gonna look sweet! :hyper:
That is sooooo Cool!

I'm sure you've thought of this but..... Careful to make the shelves strong enough! Falling bettas is a nasty catastrophe, especially when theres ones underneath. And will you be able to reach the top one for w/c? i have 2 5g's in my bedroom and I have covered almost everything in water, and that wasn't balancing on a ladder!

But way to go! Pics Pics! :D
Thats a Very Cool Idea

Its gonna Look Awesome
Very cool. I'll want to see it sometime, once its done.

What kind of bettas are you going to use?
You should use the colors of the bettas somehow...
Ethos said:
Very cool. I'll want to see it sometime, once its done.

What kind of bettas are you going to use?
You should use the colors of the bettas somehow...

Good idea! :thumbs: OA, you could have like a rainbow effect, having a different coloured betta for each hour, and have the stands supporting them painted the same colour:


I hope you don't mind me saving the image to my PC..
Awsome idea! But you should add little edges to make it harder for them to fall, maybe with no-slip mats.
Hey opposite armor have you ever thought of instead of painting a clock to actually have real really big clock hands and have it running to a motor so it could actually tell time and like maybe instead of having a 1g bowl with a male betta how bout a 5g or 10g to like for example for when its 1o'clock their would be 1 female and when its two have two females and so on?
... you couldn't have tanks with two female bettas; they would eventually maul one another to death. And most walls would not support little shelves with the weight of 5-10 gallons on 'em; that's a good 8lbs of water per gallon. Cute idea, but not very feasable.

I think OA is planning on a big mechanical clock (correct me if i got this wrong)!

But as for females instead of males, I'd hate to see the aftermath of 12 10G tanks falling off the wall through sheer weight, and 2 and 3 o'clock may quickly become 0 o'clock being as most females will kill each other in community less than 4. Good thinking tho..

Would work with guppies though if they were hiding I'd have trouble telling the time! :D

Edit -

RW - beat me to it!

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