What i should feed my Columbian teras


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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what should i feed my columbian tetras and how many times should i feed it ??
i was thinking beef heart because i recently had an oscar and i still got some beef heart cubes in my tank ???
and some blood worms + flakes
They're omnivores, so it's good to have plant matter in the diet as well. Prepared flakes and Spirulina flakes are both good staples, the latter for the veggie part. Blood worms and Mysis shrimp are good supplements. Beefheart is not good for any fish, including Oscars. Breeders use it to make the fish grow fast for quick sale and unfortunately aquarists have taken this as a sign that it's ok, but the fatty, meaty protien of it is best avoided.

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