Thanks Cheesy Feet.
I am 'orrible arn't I
Can I look at you as a fatherly figure. Always ready to gently correct?
Actually, no. You user name sort of repulses me
No harm ws intended. It's just how I come across. We are like that at work all the time. Well, no. Worse actually.
And I agree. The pictures are astonishing.
And because you all do it at work it makes it right? No wonder things are as they are.
You come across as boorish and insulting, so anything that you may have to say of interest is lost.
Manners cost nothing, would you want people coming to you in that sort of manner?
Am a Northerner myself, so the Northern bit holds no water for me, it is an excuse to be rude and that is it
not singling out Madcap, i dont think what he said was terrible, but you often see peeps stating stuff like "its a free forum, i can say what i like, polite or not, its my view, like it or lump it"
well yeh.... but why bother? i dont see this behaviour hardly at all on other forums, i think its catching on here, peeps see it happening and jump on the bandwagon. It's like some kind of "fish police"
(EDIT: rarely compared to here and thats not just coz here has many more members, there is definitly a different attitude on this forum, but saying that, you can get a wide variety of QUICK and mostly excellent advice, so its a judgement call, is it worth it? i say yes, i just use this forum very business like, and other forms are more "home")
Yes its a public forum... blah, blah, blah
I think what happens is peeps hang about waiting to post, its like random posting just for the heck of it, much like this one perhaps "LOL"
Its not personal to madcap, i seen plenty of posts from him that are very, very good.
Its just a general moan from me.....
EDIT, sorry Madgap, not cap LOL
like Andy Cap! i know he has a sense of humour too, i am sure he does.
anyway, i have no right to tell him anything really, just my humble stumbling into this thread!!!!