What Happens When A Fat Cat Is Home Alone And His Dinner Is Late


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2011
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I got home about 1/2 an hour late today - and after feeding my cats I went into the back room where the tank currently is and find that my 16 year old and 17 lb cat had tore into the goldfish pellet bag.


After pouring the remaining food into a tightly sealed plastic container and sweeping up what was on the floor to throw away (I had just used orange glo on the floors that morning and was not going to risk poisoning my fish!)

I brought the bag out to take pictures of how many claw marks covered the bag - -and the 16 year old cat came over to brag and re-investigate, as did his accomplice, our little 3 year old "special needs cat"

The 16 year old had just received a scolding and was staring me down when I started recording, the black cat is the 3 year old who we swear does the bidding of the 16 year old! (He can no longer jump up on counters, but we will find HIS favorite treat bag on the ground - we have seen him Meow, she comes running...its eerie)





If I only could get reimbursed for every little packet of betta food my cats have ripped open. I also had a little container of betta food in my bedroom that I found on the living room floor yesterday, broken open and spilled (they carried it from upstairs!!) And anytime I open the cupboard to feed my fishies, ChubChub is trying to get in it.

My dog snaffles fish food if I leave it where he can get to it too :rolleyes:
I think there is something in the fishmeal that they use in most fish foods that makes cats and dogs addicted to the stuff. I had a cat that used to try to eat the flakes off the top of the water after I had fed the fish. This same cat would blissfully ignore all attempts by you to get her to come, but as soon as you offered her some fish flakes she was front and centre. We even had a neighbor who's beagel got addicted to my fish food and used to get in under our house (where my tanks where) and steal the fish food. We knew it was her as the neighbors used to find the evidence back at their house- namely an empty slightly chewed and well licked fish food container.
Been there. Done that. :rolleyes:

Two words. Glass. Jars. :nod: :lol:

Baby food jars are great, as are salsa jars and those little jars that you get sandwich spreads in. Baby jars are definitely the best though - perfect size :good:
Been there. Done that. :rolleyes:

Two words. Glass. Jars. :nod: :lol:

Baby food jars are great, as are salsa jars and those little jars that you get sandwich spreads in. Baby jars are definitely the best though - perfect size :good:

So jars then yeah? :lol:
LOL! Not even algae wafers are immune to this. Just something about fish food :lol:

My cat "ate" the lid to my algae wafer pot the other day while i was feeding. She ran off with it in her mouth, and ive not seen it since. Stupidly i left the pot on top of the tank, and woke to find half of its contents gone.

Its funny, because my Corys wont touch them, they're just for the shrimp so i "guessed" they would proabbly last me forever lol
They are naughty little things for sure! My husband thought it was hysterical -

I thought I had swept them all up but stepped on a couple in the bathroom this morning - :sly:
Surely the solution to this is not jars or tubs, but a closed cabinet door?


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