What happens to a hermit with no shell?

These guys dont drown, there underwater hermits, you are thinking of beach hermits, I'm pretty sure they stay in there shells at all times too.
Well, I never pulled one out of its shell, but I did get to see one walking round shelless for about an hour this morning (I was half an hour late for school because I didn't want to leave him without a shell on) I haven't a cvlue how long he was out of his shell though, last night I noticed that one of them had shed and that there was one shell stuck firmly to another at the opening, assuming they weren't breeding I desided to pull them apart, well the large one really wanted that shell I guess because thismorening he was in the smaller ones shell and he smaller one was walking around shell free and missing 2/3rds of his big claw, very pale too, I checked in on him and hes colored back up and eating.there are atleast 8 extra shells in there, haven't a clue why they need to fight, :crazy:

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