What Happened To My Percula Clown?


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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I added a Mandarin, Torch Coral and Sailfin Tang yesterday, all acclimatised well and looking healthy. Last night after lights off, the missus calls me over as one of the percula clowns is laid out against the side of the tank, I was a bit worried as it looked 'paralysed' down one side - seriously only half its body was working. So we watched, nothing we could do, all fish healthy, parameters near perfect so we could only cross our fingers

The poor clown stayed on the substrate - did not move for a while. It then started moving its right fin and started swimming in circles.... A couple of minutes later, it moved its left side and swam off like a rocket and since then has been fine?

My guess, it got stung by the new Torch Coral - what do you think?
Hmm that's odd. I suppose its possible it got stung, although I thought they were immune to anenomes and the like??
Dont really know mate, I had read that some need to be stung several times to become immune... Can anyone advise?

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