thanks for sharing all the stories, i love hearing them
now how did i end up getting hooked on bettas....?
well it started last summer, my sister bought this really pretty vt from the lps. he used to live in our kitchen. He had soooo much personality – every time you were in the kitchen he would be up at the glass wiggling around looking at your like “what ya doing over there?” it was soo cute

I eventually adopted this betta, named him Elliot and took him to school with me when i moved out last September.
Unfortunately Elliot passed away right before my eyes, it was the saddest thing ever. It was like he was having intense seizures and crashing in to everything. I was crushed, i broke down and cried in front of my roommate and she was like “erm Alison it’s just a fish...”
Anyways, after Elliot’s passing i wanted a new betta and thats when i got Gavin he was great! He lived in a tank on my desk and when ever i was studying he would spend all his time chillin in the corner closest to me as if he was keeping my company

– ahh i loved it! My sis then bought me a female, Maven and she became Gavin’s buddy. I kept there tanks side by side and i think Maven had the biggest crush on Gavin.
The addiction really started at the end of April this year. As my friends were getting ready to head home for the summer on of them mentioned that she had some bettas that she was going to “either give away or flush”

I was horrified to say the least, so i adopted them from her.
From that point on i couldnt go in to a pet shop, let along drive by a pet shop without checking out the bettas. I currently have 5 boys and 6 girls and i cannot wait to set up my 15 gal divided tanks so i can have space for more.