What goes Bump on a cat?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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Ontario Canada
Hey everyone I was just wondering if any of you cat owners have ever found bumps on the scruff of your cat's neck or at the base of their tail. We have to cats and the older one has bumps, almost like scabs on his neck and base of his tail. We thought at first it might be from excessive scratching but its not possible for him to bit himself or scratch himself on his neck, his head just doesn't turn like that. If anyone has had this I'd like to here from you to see if we can stop or prevent this in any way.
It's very normal to have a temporary "bumb / lump" especially shortly after having had an injection - such as with the vaccinations etc.

It just depends where the injection was administered. If it was subcutaneous (under the skin) it would have been done in the scruff. If it was intra muscular (into the muscle) it would usually be done on the flank (top of the hind leg muscle).

Most often these bumps go away (or do not even appear) but sometimes it does and never go away. It shouldn't be something to worry about.
However if it's a growing lump or bump - do take it to your vet to check out.
Even then, it can be something harmless and nothing to worry about. But if it's growing, it's better "safe then sorry" (to have it checked out) in my opinion.

Edit: older cats also tend to suffer from various skin conditions (more so than younger cats) so it would definitely be worth while to take them to your vet to have checked out :)
My grandmothers cat had the same thing, we think it was from an allergy, whether to the flea bites (which I don't think it was, considering he never got them from fleas before) or from the cheap flea medicine my uncle kept putting on him (which, too much flea medicine, or powder, can kill a cat). We got some frontline, it took care of the fleas, and the scabby bumps went away. Now I just have to figure out what's causing them on my moms friends cat... :/
I have found some before on Simba on the neck. I took him to the vet and they said it was allergies. He got a shot and they went away and haven't come back.

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