What Freshwater Fish Is The Best Schooler?


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
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What community fish are the best schoolers and also attractive.
This might sound abit silly but when you say schooling you mean move around in a group. If so then neon tetras have to be my favorite. I have 6 of them and they never leave eachover. :lol:
Some tetras school better than others, most of the time they wont school if they are relaxed.

I'd go for rummy nose tetras, hose guys always stick together.
i have 16 neon tetras and they dont school at all anymore they used to all the time but they stopped still a great little fish
glow light tetras are the best, i have glowlight and neons the glowlight stick together much more and travel in a tight group.

i think zebra danios school but im not sure
hope it helps
I've seen the best schooling behavior from cardinal tetras, plus they make neons look drab. To get schooling behavior out of any fish, you'll need a large enough aquarium that you can keep a decent sized group of them, I'd say twenty fish at least. No matter what kind of fish you go for, you wont get much of any schooling behavior with a group of only five or so.
It may sound weird, but shoalfish school best when they feel a bit threatened. Groups should have at least 6 individuals but preferably more. My tetras schooled well at the beginning, but now they are so well at ease that they hang out individually or in little groups of 2 or 3.
Yeh i read that when neons are relaxed they dont school as much. I woke up this morning and my neons were all over the tank :lol:

Ive been reading up on schoolers and tetras and danios are the most popular.
my danios dont school at all! thay chase each other round the tank like madmen and do little dances to each other, but as far as schooling goes, i dont think they do much. i agree about the glowlights though. when i first got them all six hung out together and they still do when they get a bit stressed, like after a water change, but when they are relaxed, they tend to be in two's or three's and the braver one goes off on her own. i love both types of fish, and the danios are brilliant if you like really active fish.
I have found that neon tetras tend to roam all over until a water change . Then they all clump together , as do the black widow tetras , penguin tetras , and hatchet fish . I have found that Harlequins tend to stick together more and are active ALL of the time . I have a five foot tank and they swim end to end all day . Nutters !
Can some tiger barbs or neon tetras or group of guppies or mollies if u like to breed them.

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