What Food Shall I Stock Up On?


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
As above. Have some frozen atm for my trops which I have been using for keeping the LR and hermits going with.
I will be getting my fish within the next month ish. I am just wondering what kind of food I need to have a selection of, also what feeding regime should I adapt to? Will it just depend on what fish I have in there?
The best frozen foods to have to get fish eating are cyclopeeze, spirulina brine, PE Mysis (not just any mysis) and others (depending on what exactly you are feeding). However, ideally you should get them on a high quality pellet as their permanent food. I only feed and recommend New Life Spectrum (specifically the Thera+A formula).
Do you have a stock list up? I don't remember what the specific case is, so about the only recommendation I can toss out applies to really small fish (e.g. juvenile clown gobies and other young fish like baby engineer gobies) since it's also the only thing I plan in advance for nowadays: brineshrimp eggs + frozen/refridgerated phyto to feed them once they hatch. Every now and again one such itty bitty fish will reject all of the goodies you offer it and it's live or none until it becomes adjusted to its home. It's one of those things where as soon as you find you need it because of the fish turning up its nose at other frozen/gel/etc. plankivore foods, fate will conspire to make sure that every store just sold the last of it to someone else. Of course, if you're not getting any really small fish, that suggestion will be pretty useless!
Rough proposed list is:

Pair of Clownfish - first

Flame angel AND/OR Coral Beauty
Royal Gramma OR Orchid Dottyback OR blackcap Basslet
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Green Mandarin - 8 months in ish
Bellus Angel
Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Yasha Hase Goby (with candy cane pistol shrimp)
Square Spot Anthias
Blue Cheek Goby
Purple Firefish
Bartletts- 3-5 group
Regal Tang - last
Yellow Tang - last

I know I need seaweed clip things for the tangs!

I want mostly juvi fish, want to see them grow! I was doing some brine shimp hatching for my freshwater tank so will continue with that for the marine too :D Thank you!
I know I need seaweed clip things for the tangs!

If you're going to have any large snails (e.g. true Turbo genus or Cittarium pica) I would recommend using a small mag float to hold it instead. I have had large gastropods injure themselves on clips. They will wedge it open to eat leftovers the fish can't reach and then get cut as they pull back. Most clips I have seen don't seem to be blunt enough to not be a risk for that.
I haven't gone through your other thread, what size tank? Is this ever going to be reef?

I never feed seaweed to my tang. It is needed with most diets, but at least one food can keep them doing well without it apparently, still a good idea though.
Ah rite! tank is 6foot and reef! I was going to have something to stop them munching on my corals if they ever got hungry! Also is for the dwarf angels as heard they can be a pain!

I will remember that Donya, I think I have small turbos!
I wouldn't do the flame or the coral beauty. IME they are hit or miss at best. Some will never touch anything, some only clams, others will go after any coral. I wouldn't risk it. The last thing you ever want to do is try to get a fish back out because it's not working out (which usually requires taking out all the rock to get that one little fish).

I don't see any blennies listed, they are a great option. They are cute, actually watch you back, and can help with alge a little.

I like six line wrasses. They are a great way to keep some pests under control, are beautiful, and usually very peaceful. Just something to consider.
I was considering blennies but I want something, the few I have seen seem to be brown and boring ish!

The six line is nice and I cant remember why it was ruled off the list... lol
There are a lot of blennies out there, I am sure you will find one you like. I had a zebra/algae blenny. I also like the tailspot blenny.
i use:

new era agies flakes
some kind of brine shrimp (not the garlcis one, they went bad :lol:)

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