what fish

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2003
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what does everyone keep in there tanks?

i have:
1 black tailed red shark
1 clown loach
2 kuli loach
lots of swordtails
17 cardinal tera
1 angel
1 flag tailed prochilodus (semaprochilous theraponura)
1 golden gourami
2 kissing gourami
Asking a question like that in a forum like this is like opening Pandora's box and saying,what's in it....... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :hyper: :fun: :fun: :hyper: :hyper:
tetraboy said:
what does everyone keep in there tanks?

i have:
1 black tailed red shark
1 clown loach
2 kuli loach
lots of swordtails
17 cardinal tera
1 angel
1 flag tailed prochilodus (semaprochilous theraponura)
1 golden gourami
2 kissing gourami
how big is your tank? (in gallons)
3 female platies (2 blue mickey mouse and 1 plum tail)
1 male platie
7 females guppies
9 males guppies
1 sucking loach
Heres mine
My Fish List
5 Black Skirt Tetras
6 Serpae Tetras
4 Tiger Barbs
2 Green Tiger Barbs
3 Red Swordtails
1 Marigold Swordtail
1 Red Wag Platy
3 Tuxedo Platy
2 Albino Cory
1 Green Cory
1 Pleco
5 Baby Platy(I believe they are)
2 Fire Belly Newts

Lets see...
tank 1
4 white skirt tetras
6 neon tetras
5 zebra danios
1 leopard danio
2 albino corys
2 green/bronze corys
2 mickey mouse platys (1 pregnant for sure, 1 probably pregnant)

tank 2
3 female guppys
2 male guppies
2 babie guppys i noticed the other day

tank 3
30-50 baby guppys

tank 4
nothing, just set it up today
gonna be swordtails for sure, maybe a few mollies too

my tank has...
1 male betta :wub:
2 clown loaches
4 guppies
2 bala sharks
5 glow light tetras
1 gold nugget pl*co
4 mystery snails
1 little bitty sucker (octosomus)?
Not sure of his name but he's the hardest worker in the tank
1 algae eating shrimp
and a bunch of ghost shrimp :)
and another small tank with a betta on his own :wub:
200 liters:

- 4 Crossocheilus siamensis (Siamese algae-eater)
- 2 Barbus tietteya (Cherry barb)
- 5 Inpaichthys kerri (Royal tetra)
- couple Antristrus sp. cf. temminckii
- 1 Pterophyllum scalare Angel fish (from 450 liters aquarium)

450 liters:
- 1 Pterophyllum scalare
- 5 C. siamensis
- 4 Hemigrammus bleheri (rummy nose tetra?)
- Ancistrus sp. sf. temminckii
- Gnathonemus petersii (Elephantnose fish, don't even think about to buy any! I wouldn't if I were buying it now)
- 5 Corydoras aeneus (Bronze corydoras)
- 5 Pangio kuhlii (Coolie loach)

Planning to buy (make bigger shoal):
- at least 5 corydoras and 5 royal tetras
- try to find male angel fish (both are female and fighted so much that I had to remove one of them from 450 liters aquarium to the 200 liters)
- 10 Nematobrycon palmeri (Emperor tetra) into the 450 liters aquarium

And thinking to buy some small pleco other than Ancistrus sp.
My main tank (75 UKg) has:

4 bala shark
5 congo tetra
3 peacock spiny eels
2 hoplosternum thoratacum
1 needle fish
1 sorubim lima shovelnose catfish
1 channa orientalis dwarf snakehead
1 polypterus senegalis
1 polypterus ornatipinus
1 royal plec
1 siamese tiger fish
1 satanoperca jurapari

all will be going into a 135UKg later this year.

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