What Fish?


New Member
Apr 29, 2011
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i have recently set up a 200l tank and cant decide what to stock it with. its well planted with a couple large bits of bogwood, i quite like the idea of having just a few larger fish as i already have a large community tank. my Favorited type of fish are cyprinids and i would pherhaps like to include a red fin shark, but other than that i havent a clue
i have recently set up a 200l tank and cant decide what to stock it with. its well planted with a couple large bits of bogwood, i quite like the idea of having just a few larger fish as i already have a large community tank. my Favorited type of fish are cyprinids and i would pherhaps like to include a red fin shark, but other than that i havent a clue

Well oscars are always an favourite :p
A few fish here I always wanted to have : tiger barbs, angel fish, killifish and a fire eel! :D
i have recently set up a 200l tank and cant decide what to stock it with. its well planted with a couple large bits of bogwood, i quite like the idea of having just a few larger fish as i already have a large community tank. my Favorited type of fish are cyprinids and i would pherhaps like to include a red fin shark, but other than that i havent a clue

Well oscars are always an favourite :p
A few fish here I always wanted to have : tiger barbs, angel fish, killifish and a fire eel! :D
think id proberly need a bit bigger tank for oscars, i have tiger barbs in my other tank i had angels befor but the stock where i live are very poor. fire eel i like the sound of though i saw some in i lfs and thought they looked good maybe have to read up on them thanks
You tanks way to small for oscars or fire eels...

what is the mesurments of the tank, that way we can reccomend the correct choices, plus tank mates,if any and substrate..
yeah thanks i also thought my tank was to small for oscars its about 120cm x 60cm from what i read about fire eels id also agree it may be a bit too small although my book does say its possible to keep tham in a 4ft tank. i have a light coloured sand as substate quite a powerfull internal filter bogwood and quite a few hardy plants i previuosly had it stocked with a mixed community so its well established.

what about a bichir is there any types smaller enough for my tank?

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