What Fish

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
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some suggestions please on fish. i have a 15 gal and a clownfish in there and a baby bicolour blenny (is going back)
what fsh could i get. i realy like clown gobies. but will they be ok with the blenny for a few weeks.
neon gobies are nice too
also i need a shrimp and i have some aiptesia should i get a peppermint.
neon gobies are cool there clean the fish n all which is always good!

finding a true peppermint is quite hard i think, well round here its hard for me to find a true peppermint shrimp. i just used vinegar for my aiptasia.

im not sure on the temprament of teh bi-colour though so i wouldnt no wether it wud get on with the clown goby or not.
I would just wait until you took the bicolor blenny back before getting other fish.
y wait until i have took the bicolour back he is pvery pieceful and trots around the tank minding his own buisness. the only time i have spotted a lil bit of aggresion which i wouldnt class as aggresion atall is when my crab tried to climb into his cave and he kept shunting the crabs shell untill it turned aroud. would a neon gobie be ok with him i suppose it would as its boddy shape is nothing like the bicolour blennys
thanks for your replies keep them going and tell me about other fish
An awsome clown goby is the yellow clown goby, I WANT ONE OF THOSE SO BAD! LOL
Firefish are good too, I've got one. Purple FF and regular FF are both very peaceful.
i perfer a royal grama they are very peaceful dont swim much at all just likes to sit or float in and around the rock and just watches everything
i hdottybac ryal gamma n that killed my camel shrimp :blink:
i realy need some ideas on a fish that swims alot is realy colourful relitively hardy an has agreat personality.
thanks for the ideas
Yellow head sleeper gobies are cool, they spend the whole day sifting sand through their gills. It's amazing to watch.
Most small fish except the clowns and some others arn't very active. The most active fish would probebly be Tangs and Triggers by what I've seen. If you have enough room, get a yellow or purple tang.
Damsels are colorfull, swim alot, and are hardy. The only drawback is their temper and fast pace, making it allmost impossible to catch to take it out if you dont want it. If you do like damsels, the least aggressive and my favorite is the yellow tailed damsel. Alot of people say that chrimises are the least aggressive, but I've read about damsels, and asked my teacher about them. They all say that chromises are more aggressive and yellow tails are least. Some chromises dont get too aggressive if you keep them in schools, like green chromises.
i had chromis and i got rid of them some of them bullied everything the other ones did not much of anything and they dont got much color at all i highly recommend a flame angel, you can egt those that are raised in a coral tank and as long as you feed them atleast once a day they wont bother your coral at all i have one with my coral and its so colorful and everyone always compliments it
i had chromis and i got rid of them some of them bullied everything the other ones did not much of anything and they dont got much color at all i highly recommend a flame angel, you can egt those that are raised in a coral tank and as long as you feed them atleast once a day they wont bother your coral at all i have one with my coral and its so colorful and everyone always compliments it

can you post a pic?
them flme angels look realy nice but unfortuanately (sp) i cant spell haha but unfortuanitaly they are out of my budget. i kinda like 6 line wrasses or yellow tail damsel fish.
any ideas
i think both of those can get agressive.

carpenters flasher wrasse looks better anyways :drool:
what fish can anyone suggest i realy want a nice swimmful fish haha and i need to reaserch it befor i get it so comon comnon comon post your repliesssss.
awwww i like 6 line wrases
i perfer a royal grama they are very peaceful dont swim much at all just likes to sit or float in and around the rock and just watches everything

royal grmamas are far from peacful, sixlines need a larger tank, what about a highfin goby? fish that swim alot aren treally suited for nanos

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