What Fish


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
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After getting some plants i have a outbreak of whitespot :(, i noticed it very early and started treating with 1/2 doses of protozin as i have kuhlii loaches, i had hoped it wouldn't get any worse but 1 krib has it bad and now my pleco has it, I have a small tank with 2x flying foxs and a chinese algae eater who dont seem to be effected, so are these fish immune to it? and are kuhlii loaches immune? i cant see any signs of it on them but i really want to move them and do full dose medication.

I have never heard of any fish that is immune to ich,
but you never know there may just be one out there. :dunno:
hmm, kribensis cychlids?

have they been bullying the loaches?

white spot can be brought on by stress... :/
No bullying going on, they never meet each other, i have had this tank established for a while with the loaches being there for 2 months now, No problems before i added plants, from what i read it can be brought in with plants, The loaches are fine not showing any signs of ill health i just want to use protozin at full strength so i am going to move them anyway to my other tank (if i can catch them :) )
Corys are not mean't to get whitespot.
Discus lol with my water in discus tank at 88F all the time its impossible for any ich parasite to attack my discus even if they do they be dead in a matter of day :).
Freshwater stingrays are immune to whitespot/ICH (which is just as well as they cannot be treated with whitespot medications). Elasombranchs (sharks and rays) have tough leathery skin which the parasite cannot host and their gills are made up differently so cannot be infected like on more modern fish.
Armoured catfish like Doradids, Corydoras and related species rarely get ICH because they have boney scutes rather than scales and fish with ganoid scales like the American gars and Polypteridae species have some protection due to their close fitting scale design.
All in all the more ancient the fish the less likely it is to suffer from an outbreak of ICH.

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