Most tanganyikan cichlid keepers are always after a shoal of cyprichromis species, they're the best dither fish for other tang cichlids as they're pretty peaceful and from the right lake, but can be hard to keep and never colour up well in shop tanks so always fetch a good price- between £12-£25 each are typical prices- and when you need a group of 8+ they're not a cheap prospect.
i can see what you mean fair point there about them being the right fish for the job just a pity about the price, do you know if the price is due to the hardness of getting them in stock or are they a wee bit hard to breed ? mind you ive been getting used to fish at a high price as my dad has now got him self into discus
he started a few weeks ago and has already spent about £400 now
beautiful fish but i would rather have some type of pleco tbh