@Byron @--Mike-- @anewbie
wow i didnt want cause a fight i want a peaceful tank lol,
my main fishies will be me corys there my main health and heart of my tank i love catfish,
the pleco she wants for the algeo and cause tehy look so damn cute, i read the BN plec is happier with a mate, i have a few tanks spare and a friend who has a pet store i thaught if babies came they would have them and gift me food back for the fish lol.
this tank has NO fish 0 zilch, i am currently 2inches in water, lavarock plant gravel and sand, growing my grasses and mosses, once grown a bit more tank will get filled my driftwood centrepiece will be planted with my other plants and topped up with TNC plant food, and tank change from my plattie tank, and RO water( bringing beneficial bacteria from a cyckled tank and adding food for the plantation, pumps and spraybars turn on, benneficial bacs etc all in and can filter with bio media layers,
then i will cycle this for around 2 weeks untill plants start to grow well, and nitrates reach 0 if any,
then ill do my tank change 75% with RO water to reduce hardness and clean the water, the pumps will be clean but colinated by then and the water left behind, run it another week low ghk
THEN i will be putting in my first fish my Gold CORY x4 and bandit CORYSx4 and let them settle .
then i was going for my choise 2 the BN yellows .
wait a week again and add 10 Ruby barbs (if any this is only my tank detail as corys etc are bottom feedrs, wanted soem mid colour)
( barbs i can be changed from as there not my passion fish there the Fillers lol somthing for the kids to watch thats not small, ) i dont really know many fish lol, but cichilids are ugly as hell my friend keeps em, lol i like the bigger fish id even be temped with 1 other fish decent sized just want him not to be a still boring fish lol )