What Fish To Buy When Trying To Get Rid Of Snails


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
Yes, the snails have come back :S, i thought i had got rid of them!
In the community tank AND Betta tank :( Both are 65l each

How do i get rid of them, any fish that will eat them for a 65l tank? If not, what other ways of getting rid of them?

Have tried 2 methods
1.) Bait; tried cucumber, left overnight-- nothing
2.) took out substrate and washed plants -- no snails for a week but there now back :(
Don't buy fish.

use a piece of lettuce weighed down and that should attract loads - take it out once loads of snails are on it.

you may need to do a deep clean of any plants and ornaments along with a very good gravel vac, reduce feeding for a while and remove any eggs (look like a blob of clear snot) you can find.
5 Assasin snails should sort it, reduce how much you are feeding your fish too
buying a fish to eliminate your snail problem is a really bad idea..what are you going to do when the snails are gone?? the fish will need more to eat!

a constant plague of snails is more often than not related to overfeeding, the more waste food there is the more snails you will have!
cut right back on feeding and try the weighted lettuce technique (works better than cucumber)
cool thanks!

No im not getting anymore fish as already have plenty. Clown loaches are too big for my tanks.

Did try lettuce aswell with no luck. Will stick to manullay taking them out. Have cut down on food, i fast my fish for 2 days.

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