What Fish Is This?

LOL Yup, that would certainly do it :) Do feel that you ID question is answered?

I think it is. my next question is if it is safe to keep it with the convicts? In this tank is a mating pair as well as a pleco and this fish. and should i feed him something else to what i feed the convicts?
Definitely a large danionin (probably Devario spp., difficult to tell, and there are many look-alike species). Regardless, basic care is very consistent for them. Large tank (at least 1 m long), lots of water current, and a not-too-warm temperature. Most are either subtropical or cool tropical species, so you're looking at 15-25 C depending on the species.

Predatory, so choose tankmates with care. Neon-sized things will become dinner. Wild fish feed mostly on terrestrial insects that fall onto the water. In captivity they tend to eat anything.

Because they are mountain stream fish, water quality and oxygenation needs to be excellent.

Cheers, Neale
Oh, if it's a Giant danio, It's a schooling fish that would be happiest with at least 6 and a huge tank ( I would say 55gal US + (mainly because there would be so many).

I have no way to get anymore fish or takes right now. He seems happy where he is as he has been in this take for 2 years the lady said.
Just letting you know what recommendations are :) Not going to yell at you :)
If you have a breeding pair of convicts, I wouldn't recommend keeping them together because breeding pairs are more aggressive than single convicts. You may luck out as the Danio should for the most part stay the the top and convicts lay their eggs at the bottom of the tank but I personally would not risk it.

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