What Fish For What Size Tank - Where Can I Find A Good List?


Constantly learning
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
Surrey, England
Hello all,

My brother-in-law has got his heart set on buying a small 48L nano tank. I'd like to know which fish are suitable for a tank this size. I believe he is keen on clowns, but I'd like to know all the stock options he could have for this small size. He also wants to add corals.

No doubt I'll be back in this section a lot more if and when he starts his project!

thanks in advance
Not many fish could be kept in a tank that small, a pico tank

maybe a small goby and shrimp combo

Corals will depend on his lighting

Seffie x
ive got a 58 litre nano tank that im trying to sell

for 65 or 75 with a little lr

i was told i could have a fire fish and a clown goby in it and a shrimp and cuc then coralls of choice as it has t5s

andseffies idea would be ok too a shrimp goby pair
Not many fish could be kept in a tank that small, a pico tank

maybe a small goby and shrimp combo

Corals will depend on his lighting

Seffie x

Ok, so will tell him the clown is out.

Love the idea of a symbiotic goby/shrimp combo. How easy are they to find though, and dont they cost a small fortune?

Will try and find out what lighting the tank comes with.
Yellow Watchman Goby and pistol shrimp. I'm looking for a Randall's pistol. Very pretty! Have a look on youtube for goby/pistol combo's. You can see some lovely videos :good:
They are very easily available personaly I am going for a dracula Goby and a small pistol shrimp in mine.

Price wise i think you are looking around £30 each for the goby and shrimp depending on species etc.

I Think the dracula is one of the more hard to find ones
Yellow Watchman Goby and pistol shrimp. I'm looking for a Randall's pistol. Very pretty! Have a look on youtube for goby/pistol combo's. You can see some lovely videos :good:

watched a few vids on there but couldn't tell how big they were. What's the largest size for a goby in a 48L tank?

Found a yellow clown goby that gets to 4cm.
Price wise i think you are looking around £30 each for the goby and shrimp depending on species etc.

that's quite reasonable then. When I saw a pair of clown fish for £90, i thought a shrimp/goby pair would be more.
Price wise i think you are looking around £30 each for the goby and shrimp depending on species etc.

that's quite reasonable then. When I saw a pair of clown fish for £90, i thought a shrimp/goby pair would be more.

Ouch £90 for a pair of clowns is steep a wild pair will only cost about £50 Tank bred less.

will PM you a useful link.
You could keep a single clown in the tank w/a shrimp and some CUC. Just a small clown like percula or ocelaris.

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