What Fish For A 24"x12"x15" Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Morley, Leeds, UK
Hi All,

I am setting up a new aquarium, My tank is 24" long, 12" wide and 15" tall.
I think the tank is about 30-35 Gallons.

I have been looking at fish in the pet shops and online for the past week and i have come up with a list of fish that i would like, But i am not sure if they would all live happy in the same tank (Due to personallity and size).

Can someone tell me if i would be ok putting these fish in the tank please?

1x Red Capped Oranda (Called "Asst Oranda" in the pet shop)
1x Silver Shark
1x Red Tail Shark
2x Platys
2x Ghost Shrimp
3x Neon Tetras
6x Guppys
And Maybe
1x Angel Fish (size permitting)


Thanx for any help

Too many fish you want to add there...
I would take away the Silver Shark, Red Capped Oranda, Angel Fish and Red Tailed Shark because these guys would need a bigger tank and some of them don't go too well with the fish you want.
Neon Tetra should be kept in groups of 6 and up as well...

What about you get:

#6-8 Neon Tetra
#2 Platies
#5 Guppies
#2 Ghost Shrimp

and mabye some other types of fishes... like gouramis for example
I have to disagree with the red tailed shark being fine. I have just given away rtbs. I kept him in a 4 foot tank and he terrorised all the inhabitants of the tank. Silver or bala sharks need to be kept in a group and will grow far too large for a 2 foot tank. Sorry ,but I think you need to re-think your stocking ideas. :unsure:
Come to think of it, those measurements are a bit smaller than my old 70 litre. That was 18 gallons (us) , so therefore nitelife is totally right!!!!
Guppylover said:
What about you get:

#6-8 Neon Tetra
#2 Platies
#5 Guppies
#2 Ghost Shrimp

and mabye some other types of fishes... like gouramis for example
I would suggest you dont add any more fish than this list as you will need to provide for a population explosion from the guppies and platties :hyper: :rofl:
I would get 2 flame dwarf gouramis!
Mine are the most value for money in my tank!
They are choc full of character and feed from your hand!
Whatever you do, make sure they both have equal ammounts of plants and hiding places! And plants that float on the surface so you can watch them build their nests! They fight over the smallest things so you have to share.
Thanx for all your replys.

How about:

1x Dwarf Gouramis
1x Angel Fish
2x Ghost Shrimp
2x Platy
6x Guppy
6x Neon Tetras

Thanx again for any replys

i still think you have to many fish planned for that tank i say only put like 6 small fish in there
Munch said:
Thanx for all your replys.

How about:

1x Dwarf Gouramis
1x Angel Fish
2x Ghost Shrimp
2x Platy
6x Guppy
6x Neon Tetras

Thanx again for any replys

I'm sorry but you really can't put an angel in there. They are very tall fih and as such, they need a tall aquarium. 18" tall as a bare minimum. Also they tend to eat neons.

Without the angel I'd say you'd be at your absolute top limit for that tank. Fewer guppies maybe?
I'd leave out the platys and angel and go with the gourami, shrimp, guppies and neons.

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