What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

I've heard so much about Glofish in general, How's you're experience with the betta?
He has a great personality and a long flowing tail. No health problems at all and I like that the blue light makes him pop. But I wish I hadn't had to spend so much money on him. He was $30, then I had to buy the blue light for another $30.
He has a great personality and a long flowing tail. No health problems at all and I like that the blue light makes him pop. But I wish I hadn't had to spend so much money on him. He was $30, then I had to buy the blue light for another $30.
That's awesome! Glad to hear it's working out well for you!
I was setting up my first tank as a gift for my daughter who loves color so the plan was one of each color glofish tetras (6 different colors). I wanted to get the smallest of each color assuming it was a baby and would live longer. This was probably flawed logic as the smallest one (a purple one my daughter named Little Angel) had problems eating which were most likely associated with some disease or parasite. It lasted about a month before it just wasted away and died. My daughter was devastated. The other fish that were bigger when I bought them are all still going strong. We replaced Little Angel with another (large) purple glo tetra. His name is Grape.
I was setting up my first tank as a gift for my daughter who loves color so the plan was one of each color glofish tetras (6 different colors). I wanted to get the smallest of each color assuming it was a baby and would live longer. This was probably flawed logic as the smallest one (a purple one my daughter named Little Angel) had problems eating which were most likely associated with some disease or parasite. It lasted about a month before it just wasted away and died. My daughter was devastated. The other fish that were bigger when I bought them are all still going strong. We replaced Little Angel with another (large) purple glo tetra. His name is Grape.
I have one of each of the tetra and a "shark". I think the artificial colors started to get old around 8 months in. Still have them, but thinking of asking my sister, who has young kids, if she wants the tetra and a tank, the shark is going into the 90 gallon.
Bought a common pleco because I got excited by the £6 price tag (I didn't know that they're worth a dime a dozen at the time :|...) and wasn't aware of how useless they are. He's got lovely little baby eyes but I think I kind of resent that fish now.

And Malaysian trumpet snails, as someone else said. Only seen one of them since I moved everything into my current tank. So many regrets.


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I kinda regret getting two dwarf gouramis. My greedy self got two even though I had known that two males would result in one getting bullied :(
Ah yes. I had a DG a few years ago, that died due to DGD. It's such a shame that bad genetics kill them, because they are beautiful fish.
I kinda regret getting two dwarf gouramis. My greedy self got two even though I had known that two males would result in one getting bullied :(
I had the same problem at first! So sorry to hear that :( Mine get along really well now which confuses me considering at first they were quite aggressive towards each other, they don't bother each other at all and I really don't know why but I'm really glad they do now.
Before I knew about hardness, I had endlers. They were pure endlers (yellow top swords), bought from a specialist breeder. They never lived more than a year but I had a self sustaining population with both males and females.
I have no idea how long endlers are supposed to live, but I'm sure it must be longer than a year. The question is - was their short lifespan due to my hardness of 5 dH or something else?
Well, it should be recognized that conditions promoted breeding;,it couldn't have been that bad. ;)
My bristle nose plecos. They are hardly ever seen and just another thing to feed. Although they aren’t fish, I also bought Malaysian Trumpet Snails in my early days. Who does that? A normally reputable guy on another forum told me to get them since I had added sand as my substrate in a tank. Now they are everywhere!
Hi, I'm new here as well as aquarium owning. That is exactly why, in my introduction here. My grandfather had aquariums when I was little...I'll leave how long ago that was. Lol! But I remember one tank had a few small snails and then within a matter of a short time, he had a full on snail infestation. Fast forward to today, I want to get a Mystery Snail or a Black Racer Nitrite snail. From what I've researched, they aren't that quick to breed. How true that is...I'm leaning on the side of caution and only get one. I hope they aren't the ones that are both sets. My luck I'll probably pick a pregnant female. Lol
Hi, I'm new here as well as aquarium owning. That is exactly why, in my introduction here. My grandfather had aquariums when I was little...I'll leave how long ago that was. Lol! But I remember one tank had a few small snails and then within a matter of a short time, he had a full on snail infestation. Fast forward to today, I want to get a Mystery Snail or a Black Racer Nitrite snail. From what I've researched, they aren't that quick to breed. How true that is...I'm leaning on the side of caution and only get one. I hope they aren't the ones that are both sets. My luck I'll probably pick a pregnant female. Lol
Hiya! welcome to the forums, I hope you're having a great day! And snails are pains, fingers crossed you did not get a pregnant one otherwise you might have got a bit more for you're money hahaha. I currently am dealing with a pond snail infestation in my small community tank but I've just decided to let them be now as they've actually keeped the tank algae free for a week now lol :)

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