What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

this orange platy who eats ALL the food and poops out babies left and right!


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This beautiful jerkface. I had to buy a new setup for him because he is a terror on fins. I have a love/hate relationship with this turd. He does love the blue acara and is better with his new roomies. Old roomies were not sad to see him leave🤣


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Here's the little Rascal.


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Never had any luck with albino red tailed sharks they always die and i really dont know why .
Tiger barbs !!!!
Also buying the sailfin catfish wow they grow fast .
Although guppies filled my tank really really quick i mean starting off with 2 females to a male and having about 100 was a no no but the colours were worth the stress of getting rid of them all lmao.
Angel fish i brouggt 1 then another and then another and just watched them bully my 3rd for a month before having to get rid of the best looking 1 was not my best fish keeping moment.
So far rams are my best choice with denison barbs 2nd .
Late to the discussion like many people, my regret buying fish, are two common plecos. They were small but eventually grew up. Both out grew their original tanks. Pan just wore out his welcome, it was a great fish never aggressive but constantly digging around. I actually liked him but he had to go...and here's a nod to a great local fish store. I got to know my local store, great guy and always willing to talk fish or anything else on our minds. I asked him if he can home my pleco, he said normally not but since I'm a regular he take it. My other pleco, Peter happily roams a 100g, I don't think he'll out grow that one. But I do wish it would eat more algae.
Platyfish. Not the species as a whole, I'm still really impartial to them, however what I didn't know was that certain colourations are prone to developing cancerous melanomas. So much so that they're used in studies in relation to human cancers.

This is Horus. He's since passed ,as well as my remaining platys, but he's a really good visual example of this. Unfortunately, this colour line is still sold commonly in pet shops despite bad genetics (in case you're wondering, its because at some point they were bred with swordtails to produce the "morph". Inbreeding doesn't help though)



As you can see, he developed a pretty large tumour near his mouth. During the end of his life he also got more on his tail which is why it looks somewhat lumpy in the first picture. Lil guy lived longer than I thought he would, but it broke my heart watching his progression and not being able to do anything about it.
I love my plecos. They are busy guys eating all the algae. Now I once had a pleco that was so cool looking I paid $110 for him. Navy blue with white polka dots. He lived in his hideaway for several years and we only saw him when we cleaned the aquarium. Expensive mistake.

A cichlid that grew to be nearly a foot long. She lived inside this large log and got pretty fat. The gourami (the large size, also a mistake) all picked on her. One day I found her dead and very stuck in her log - she must have had a lot of water weight gain or really ate a lot because she had fit just fine for months and months, I could have saved her if I had known but it happened at night - she just needed to back out but that would have messed up some of her scales. I still feel that was a terrible way to die.

Guppies my mother bought a pair when I was four yrs old. They mated and produced hundreds of guppies. The parents were eating them. I was screaming My mother dropped the bowl. We saved mom and a few babies but dad and the others died on the carpet. Terrible trauma for a young child and pretty bad trauma for dad and the babies.
Scissortail rasboras. I got 8 of them for my 55 gallon. I grew pretty attached to them considering that I did not have them very long. I had my first experience with columnaris with them. They all died within a day of me noticing that they were sick. And getting eaten alive by bacteria sounds like one of the worst deaths a fish can have.
Black Skirt Tetras.

I bought a school of 10. Put them in the tank, and they just formed a gang and started to kill everything. I had 3 dead angel fish in one day. THey kept grabbing them by the training fins, dragging it down to the bottom, and then they would all just sit there and bit it over and over keeping it pinned to the bottom.

Never seen anything like it. I think they might have been half breed pirahana's.

I just recently put some Trumpet and Mystery snails in. Lets see how that goes.
As a kid I had black skirt tetras and they killed every fish I put in there. Of course my parents did the thing where they were buying new ones so I didn't notice at first, but one day I woke up and saw the bodies. So then it was just the tetras, and they killed each other off until only one survived.
Black Skirt Tetras.

I bought a school of 10. Put them in the tank, and they just formed a gang and started to kill everything. I had 3 dead angel fish in one day. THey kept grabbing them by the training fins, dragging it down to the bottom, and then they would all just sit there and bit it over and over keeping it pinned to the bottom.

Never seen anything like it. I think they might have been half breed pirahana's.

I just recently put some Trumpet and Mystery snails in. Lets see how that goes.
Can you update this please
Bought a common pleco because I got excited by the £6 price tag (I didn't know that they're worth a dime a dozen at the time :|...) and wasn't aware of how useless they are. He's got lovely little baby eyes but I think I kind of resent that fish now.

And Malaysian trumpet snails, as someone else said. Only seen one of them since I moved everything into my current tank. So many regrets.
Same I bought one in January and then I got a gold gourami in mid February and this Thursday he killed it


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Hey everyone! I've seen this topic on a few fishkeeping yt channels and I thought it would be cool to hear everyones answers on this aswell!
What fish have you owned that you regret owning/buying and why?
Heres a few of mine:
Sailfin Plecostimus - I got one of these when I was Quite young and inexperienced in the hobby, only expecting it to grow to around 7 inches but as we all know, that number is usually triple hahaha.
Three spot gourami - Again I was more inexperienced and had no idea how to handle aggression at the time especially when I wasn't expecting it from the gouramis.
Electric Blue Ram - I had bought a pair a couple months ago but I made a huge mistake by buying them off a huge chain store where they had clear deformities and thinking I was doing them a favour by "rescuing them" they were already too far gone and did not survive further than a week even in good water perametres.
Firemouth Cichlid - A few years ago I was obsessed with these fish and owned a trio, Great fish but destroyed my community which is my own fault for not doing the full research on the breeding activities of these fish and understanding the space needed to succesfully house three let alone one in a community setup.
Last but not least
Bala Shark - As a kid, I saw these in the store and thought "Shark I want!" which ended up me unkowingly buying a fish that grows to over at least 1ft and housing it in a 30 gallon tank, fish stores should definetely make a huge effort to either ensure the customers have suitable tanks or just not sell them at all! Such a beautiful fish that is unfortunately always sold even if you don't have a suitable aquarium and I will always feel awful for the poor bala I bought all those years ago. I hate my decisions for buying all of these fish and I really wish I researched them all before considering buying but it's all learning and I wish I could've been a better fishkeeper for the sake of the fish as I love them all and all animals and people
Hey everyone! I've seen this topic on a few fishkeeping yt channels and I thought it would be cool to hear everyones answers on this aswell!
What fish have you owned that you regret owning/buying and why?
Heres a few of mine:
Sailfin Plecostimus - I got one of these when I was Quite young and inexperienced in the hobby, only expecting it to grow to around 7 inches but as we all know, that number is usually triple hahaha.
Three spot gourami - Again I was more inexperienced and had no idea how to handle aggression at the time especially when I wasn't expecting it from the gouramis.
Electric Blue Ram - I had bought a pair a couple months ago but I made a huge mistake by buying them off a huge chain store where they had clear deformities and thinking I was doing them a favour by "rescuing them" they were already too far gone and did not survive further than a week even in good water perametres.
Firemouth Cichlid - A few years ago I was obsessed with these fish and owned a trio, Great fish but destroyed my community which is my own fault for not doing the full research on the breeding activities of these fish and understanding the space needed to succesfully house three let alone one in a community setup.
Last but not least
Bala Shark - As a kid, I saw these in the store and thought "Shark I want!" which ended up me unkowingly buying a fish that grows to over at least 1ft and housing it in a 30 gallon tank, fish stores should definetely make a huge effort to either ensure the customers have suitable tanks or just not sell them at all! Such a beautiful fish that is unfortunately always sold even if you don't have a suitable aquarium and I will always feel awful for the poor bala I bought all those years ago. I hate my decisions for buying all of these fish and I really wish I researched them all before considering buying but it's all learning and I wish I could've been a better fishkeeper for the sake of the fish as I love them all and all animals and people ?
I don’t really regret buying any of my fish because I love them so much. But if i had to choose one thing not to buy it would probably be my electric blue crawfish only because she is always hiding and you hardly ever see her and you can’t keep any other fish or aquatic animals with her and she needs a giant tank all to herself.
I’m going to add onto this thread, and say my Nerite Snail. I bought the snail to eat the algae that had started to grow in my tank, but he/she didn’t do a very good job of it. The snail also constantly eats away at the Driftwood I have and just constantly leaves piles of 💩 everywhere.

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