What fish do you NOT like?

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...any fish that's not a betta.
hate is too strong a word though, let's just say indifferent. ;)
Adrinal said:
lol people are whining about testube genetically engeneered animals... yet they love bubble eyed gold fish...

K you want to know what those are...

go find your sister and mate and have your kids mate with your grandma... well do what every you like as far as combination... just keep it in the family for a thousand years... ever see that X-Files with the inbreeding... Ya thats bubble eyed gold fish from what I know! Ill take genetically improved fish over that crazyness anyday.
dude you put some bad thoughts in my head
good. hopefully if there are bad thoughts in the heads it will keep the eyes open.
I don't like Bettas. Not neccesarily the fish themselves, but the whole betta thing of keeping a fish in a Dixie cup. It's quite cruel and stupid. I don't know why they make tanks under 10 gallons as they're too small for anything but brine shrimp.

I don't like Blood Parrots. They're deforemed and ugly. They are a novelty and nothing more, bred for man's amusement at the cost of living a life of deformity. The same goes for Balloon Mollies and those Goldfish without dorsal fins. Why anyone would keep those is a mystery to me.

I don't like anything dyed or painted. I don't think anyone who knows how these fish are colored does.
Ahh, good subject Martin, as I need to vent on this subject.

Firstly, I don't like goldfish.

Secondly, I don't see the big boo-boo about tetras, danios, rasboras and the like, or tiny fish. They just don't impress me. Small fish really are so boring to me for some reason. -_-
Secondly, I don't see the big boo-boo about tetras, danios, rasboras and the like, or tiny fish. They just don't impress me. Small fish really are so boring to me for some reason.

yeah, i'd rather keep big fish, but i love seeing small fish interact
Eelzor said:
Ahh, good subject Martin, as I need to vent on this subject.

Firstly, I don't like goldfish.

Secondly, I don't see the big boo-boo about tetras, danios, rasboras and the like, or tiny fish. They just don't impress me. Small fish really are so boring to me for some reason. -_-
Thanks!!! :D

Small fish on their own is a no no.
But a lot of them together are great.

But frogs. Really don't think thay should be in tanks.
Frogs are great for the aquarium you can pull them out and keep them in a dish of water to look at and they swim all over and being submerged is there natural environment so they are not out of place.

st.cichlid said:
so your okay with bettas but hate the crueltey
Right, Bettas are quite beautiful. As long as theyre kept in an actual tank like other fish I have no problem with them. :)

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