What Fish Are These:


Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
South Shields, UK
Howdy. Had my tank about 4 weeks, 190L with treated water before we put any fish in, 1/3 of the tank changed this week.

We keep taking regular water samples into the shop before buying the fish, and everytime its been fine until one molly died this week and the water sample was kinda iffy, so got to wait at least another two weeks before adding more fish.

Anyways what type of fish are these, whats their proper names (i have 10 of them):


In Pets at Home they label them as Rosey Rasbora's and thats about it, yet when i google that name nothing comes up. Also last night i looked in the tank and spotted 5 baby Rasboras which have came out of no-where, hiding in a group in one of my plants - any advice on anything for them?

I also have 1 Plec, 3 Dalmation mollies, 2 Blue Gourami's, 2 neon tetras.

So what kind of fish do you recommend i put in with the ones i have? Preferably something thats a bit more colourful.
pics not good enough for me to ID i'm afraid, but just to add the baby fish are much more likely mollies than rasbora's.... doesn't matter if you've no males in the tank with your female they store the sperm and can have a few more lots of babies after the man's gone!

check out the pinned topics in the livebearers section for tips on caring for fry :good:
found a baby in your photo


TBH I'm not sure if it's a molly, but that would be the logical answer. As all your other fish are difficalt to breed.

As ID'ing just need a good photo of a side shot. as Even i can quite tell what they are.

It always takes me around 30 photo to get one good photo but that will help better
Oh yeah good spot, theres two there. Thats where all five usually stay, sometimes one wanders off swimming around the tank.

The babies look much more like Rasbora's - similar colour and similar shape. Plus the Rasbora's seem to hang about them and dont bother them. whereas the Mollys are oblivious to their existence....

So its best to seperate the babies, hmmm, my dad wouldnt buy another tank but i may buy a smallish one for my room.

Also heres the best picture i could get of my Plec, anyone know what type it is?


Its really hard to get a good picture of the fish because they always swim off. The mollys sometimes disturb the Plec and it swims off into a hiding space or on the back - so its hard to get a decent picture of it. The Rasbora's are impossible to get a decent shot off because as soon as you go near the tank....BAM, theyre gone.
Plus the Rasbora's seem to hang about them and dont bother them. whereas the Mollys are oblivious to their existence....

don't let that sway you, mollies are not very good parents, in fact most will eat they're own young, the fact that they're just ignoring them seems to be fairly good parenting by molly standards ;)
found a baby in your photo


TBH I'm not sure if it's a molly, but that would be the logical answer. As all your other fish are difficalt to breed.

As ID'ing just need a good photo of a side shot. as Even i can quite tell what they are.

It always takes me around 30 photo to get one good photo but that will help better
does this help with id of this little fellow
It surely looks more like a Rasbora than a Molly, just been studying them.

PS. So theyre Pleco's not Plecs, damn pets at home lol. Yeah just googled gibbiceps pleco and looks like one of them. Thanks :)
either plecs or plecos is fine, it's short for plecostomus :good:
Oh cool.

Il try and get some better pictures of my Rasbora's throughout the day to help people ID them. I know the names of all my other fish.

Thanks for the help. I love my Plec, i chose that one :)
looks like pearl danios to me
closely related to rasboras not a rasbora
I think the baby is a mollie. they are not the same shape as the adults when first born then start to fill out a little. Even after a few weeks they look a lot more slender than adults.

On the pleco front, that plec if it is indeed a Gibbiceps is gonna get far too big for a 190Ltr, they are real tankbusters (which P@H should've explained) and will get to betwee 35 and 50 inches long!!!!!.

You'll be needing to rehome it within a couple of years, maybe less I'm afraid. I would ask advice in the catfish and Plecos section.

(When I started I had 2 Commons without knowing their size and is a problem that crops up on here time after time, because the shops are selling monster fish to whoever asks for them)

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