What Fish Are These


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester
Hey all,

I was messing about in work with a new style of drawing and I came up with these:

can you guess what they are ment to be?
neons and cories!!!! :wub:

i'm not so sure about the thing with teeth... the coloration is throwing me off.

can you color these any way you like? such as making the cories look like bronzes (cream base with a green top) and the teethy think look like a rainbow wolffish?
neons and cories!!!! :wub:

i'm not so sure about the thing with teeth... the coloration is throwing me off.

can you color these any way you like? such as making the cories look like bronzes (cream base with a green top) and the teethy think look like a rainbow wolffish?

yeah I can do anything to them, as they are vector based, drawn in illustrator.

I do a lot of grpahic work, and I work as a grpahic designer B)

this is my website

The big thing was ment to be a pirhana but you got the others right :D
i got all of them! It did take me a while to get the pirahna though, red belly and teeth gave it away. Very nice though, love the cories :lol:

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