what fish . . . appreciate cave?

Was going to go with a honey gourami (2.5 inch max), like you said. Pygmy cories are cool, but I was going to go with 2 sterbai. Should be ok I think since sterbai are more independent than other cory specis . . .
(astroboy @ Jul 4 2004, 08:53 AM)
the only suitable creature from Ahmads list is the ghost shrimp.

Honestly, in a 5 gallon, i don't think any fish are suitable. Maybe a betta or something. 

I think you missed out corries, Ive seen people put 2 in a 2 gallon with a betta and be fine (freshmike).

Thats just a personal opinion. I don't think a fish would like to live in prison cell its whole life.

As for plecos, i think they grow WAY too big for a 5 gallon, even the small variety. They also produce a lot of waste. As for algae eating, they don't do that good of a job. But, back on topic, they do love caves, but not in a 5 gallon.

What kind of filtration do you have? There is heating, right?
Ok Sorry.....I thought he sayed a 50 gallon not a 5 gallon thats why a suggested those fish. I agree with you I dont think those fish would de great in there it was a simple mistake!....it happens :sad:

I am sorry for the confusion that I made. :sad:
Living in Hawaii, tap water doesn't drop below 70 or go above 75. Needless to say, people don't use heaters unless they're keep really high temp fish, and actually cooling systems are needed for gold fish. When living in the tropics, keeping tropical fish is the best idea. :lol: Using a millenium filter.

I'd have to agree that plecs are too big. Anyway, with the just the 3 embers the tank looks destitute.

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