what fish . . . appreciate cave?


Fish Addict
Jun 23, 2004
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I have a sunken log in my 5 gallon tank that I've used to create a very cool cave. What kind of fish would like to inhabit it? Keep in mind that the species must remain small and peaceful . . .
bristlenose pleco
clown pleco
ghost shrimp
clown loaches
and cories
weather loaches.

They love the hideing spaces to get away from all the hussle and bussle of the tank. :thumbs:
You just described cories.

And I don't know about Ahmad's list... can't speak for the rest but clown loaches don't stay small...
KHULI LOACHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They love a nice cave, and with a few and good hiding spots close they will come out lots during the day.
thanks people! There will be cories in the tank (I think I'm going with sterbai), I'll think about the khuli
the only suitable creature from Ahmads list is the ghost shrimp.

Honestly, in a 5 gallon, i don't think any fish are suitable. Maybe a betta or something.
astroboy said:
the only suitable creature from Ahmads list is the ghost shrimp.

Honestly, in a 5 gallon, i don't think any fish are suitable. Maybe a betta or something.
I think you missed out corries, Ive seen people put 2 in a 2 gallon with a betta and be fine (freshmike).
blind cave fish, and my danios love going in and out of the cave in my tank
Clown loaches are lovely fish and would appreciate the cave, however they grow to quite a large size. I'll have to rehome mine when they get bigger, hopefully I'll have a bigger tank. :thumbs:
I agree, clown loaches love caves and places to hide. (See my post on here, What a Day.) However they do get very big and do not do too good on their own, you should really have at bear minimum 2 of these but idealy you should have 3 or more.
Clown plecs don't really get very big and should be ok in a small tank, they will do a good job of keeping algae levels low too seeing as though they are algae eaters. Corys are also pretty good fish to keep in a small tank and there are loads of different breeds of them, they will keep the bottom of the tank pretty clean too as they eat a lot of the food that sinks to the bottom that the other fish miss. Corys also like caves and places to hide.
I was thinking a zebra plec would be awesome, it only grows to 3 inch and is probably one of the most attractive plecos . . . unfortunately they're super hard to find, and then very pricey. :crazy:

The embers are very happy in the 5 gallon. Then again, all 3 put together aren't quite an inch and a half. There's plenty of room for a couple of cories, and maybe 2 other small fish; especially since the tank is horizontal extended (more surface area) and will be very well planted when I'm done.
Oh I am Sorry Guys......I forgot the tank was a 5g!!! I could have sworn I read A 50 gallon!! :blink:

Sorry for that. I would have never reccomend clown loaches or most of the fish in that small of a tank :no:

Sorry Tear-Oscar :byebye: :*)
I think you could have a nice pygmy cory and Oto tank. You could get a solid 3 of each.

Or have either a betta or a pygmy gourami (2.5 inches max) and the pygmy cories - maybe 4 of them if you get one of the labyrinth fish.

GL :)

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