What First?.. Live Plants Or Fish?

It can help surely? Existing bacteria will multiply at a quick rate. I used a 60L filter to boost my 190L. Worked a treat.
Hi, about a week ago i set up a new tank for my fish, they are currently in a smaller tank and we are moving them to our new bigger tank. I just wanted to know what i need to add first, the live plants or the fish? as the local fish shop said to not add the plants until we have added the fish, just wondered what everyone elses thoughts were?

I would put the plants in first because its going to freak out your fish.

Otherwise it does not really matter
Plants first. Several reasons for this.

Plants need to root. Fish will usually disturb and/uproot plants before that can settle in.

Plants will do the work of the bacteria to some extent. So when you cycle with the plants in the process is greatly shoretened as you need fewer bacteria to process the bio-load.

As noted, its a messy process that will stress fish.

And that comment about dropping the water level to plant can be a problem in many instances. What I suggest is that you fill the tank about 25-30% and then plant the foreground plants, Then raise the water level to about 1/2 way and plant the mid ground plants. Then fill the tank to 80/85% and plant the tall background plants. The reason for this is simple, The water holds the plant erect. Trying to plant a tall background plant in little water and you have no way to see how things look and what you may need to move. Taller plants will just flop onto the substrate and working with taller ones in a "drained" tank will be a nightmare.

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