That would owrk if live rock was actually supplied around here, sadly it isnt the only time I've ever seen it was in tanks at the Sydney Aquarium
Theres plenty of LR. We have exceptional quality LR in Aus, you just havnt found the right places. You said your parents dont like beaches, well if you can afford a 20kg box, and will ship great LR to your ocal airport, where you have to pick it up from customs. Also speak to others at RTAW (see below) for LFS recomendations.
I'd reccomend a PM to Mr Miagi since he's also from australia
Too right!
What state do you live in Cuticom? Im guessing NSW?
Anyways, id advise you to set up a budget plan if you want to start marine. If your really young, you might have difficulty.
Affording liverock can be difficult, and the urge to use substitutes is substantial, but it isnt feasbale unless you use some LR to "seed" the rock you plan to use.
An internal filter is associated with a nitrate reading, and so are extenal cannister filters to a certain degree, because they dont have "anearobic" conditions, or conditions with no oxygen, where the specific baceteria that break down nitrate to nitrogen occur.
10 - 15% is pretty good ball park figure. Its a bummer you cant get to a beach, you can collect NSW opr Natural Sea Water, so you dont have to mix your own.
Saves a bundle! $$$
Do you have a budget in mind? Take a visit to RTAW. It can be found at MASA stands for Marine Aquarium Societies of Australia, and RTAW stands for Reefing the Australian Way. MASA you have to pay to join, so you dont have to if you dont wish, but RTAW is a free forum run by our society. There is a buy/sell/trade forum where you might be able to pick up bargains, many reefers sell used stock at cheap prices.