what familys will and wont breed?


Nov 4, 2003
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i wanna know what fish will breed together and what ones wont, Labidochromis, Pseudotropheus, Maylandia, Melanochromis, Malanochromis and others... i know pseudotropheus and labs wont breed but what other ones wont breed...

see im trying to organize a breeding tank, i know ill have yellow labs and demasoni but id like another one... + i need to know this info for future refferences
You'd be amazed at what mbuna could cross.

Luckily if you provide the females for the males, they generally stick to their own. As a guide, keep only one of any genus (only one type of labidochromis, one type of melanochromis, etc.
problem is i need to be 100% sure they dont crossbreed, how can i do that?

i was thinking of keeping yellow labs and demsoni and one other in the same take(breeding pairs)
Well....you are already with a lab and a pseudo....so your next best bet would be a melano....but, that all depends on what size tank and what you plan on keeping for sexes....remember that NOTHING is ever definite....I only had my yellows and ONE perlmutt together for ONE day....and now I have hybrid babies.....not babies anymore, but you get what I mean....also depends on if you plan on keeping (stripping) the babies....because, chances are, they will ~never~ survive in the tank anyway. I have a few tanks that constantly breed and I have NEVER seen a fry in the tank. For example, my O.B.'s unless I strip them, I will NEVER see a baby. I say this with utmost confidence. I don't see myself ever having a baby surviving in one of my display tanks....not a chance. This is why I feel comfortable having all of my mbuna in one tank. I have so many breeds together now and I don't fear at all that I will end up with some freak of nature like the yellow/perlmutts unless I strip the females, which I don't plan on doing at all. The only fish I plan on breeding are the maingano, when they have their own tank, I have some mpanga babies at the moment, but they are from before all of my mbuna were together. After the hybrid explosion, it is just too risky....seriously, I have ppl begging me for yellow/perlmutt babies right now...including lfs owners....it's crazy...some ppl hate me for it and some just want to ride it...and pay ALOT to have the "new fish". Not going there. :no: If you want to be "sure" then I would stick with only the contrasting yellow and blues.....but be VERY careful with the demasoni, they are ptretty sensitive to food levels, as yellows are not as much. (bloat) :/ Good luck Theemon! :thumbs:
sweet, thx man

actually i planned on taking the females out and throwing them in a holding tank untill they spit, or maybey strip them in the future(when im confident in myself)

i might do some maingano's in that mix too, just need to find some good ones

OH OH i got another question thats not really worth a thread, well maybey it is but ill ask here first...

say i bought a maingano in a lfs and you guys positivly identified it as maingano what are the chances its 100% pure bread(meaning same species not f quilty)

or should i just stick with online suppliers?
say i bought a maingano in a lfs and you guys positivly identified it as maingano what are the chances its 100% pure bread(meaning same species not f quilty)

The chances are most likely that it would be pure bred.

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