What External Filter For A 20gal Tank?

Ian H

Fish Herder
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
What external filter would you reccomend for a 20gal tank? Its a community tank but also quite heavily stocked along with plants (no co2 ferts or strong lights though, just moss and crypts)

Been told to stay away from the fluval range and the tetratec EX700 is a bit strong/big for a small tank?
What external filter would you reccomend for a 20gal tank? Its a community tank but also quite heavily stocked along with plants (no co2 ferts or strong lights though, just moss and crypts)

Been told to stay away from the fluval range and the tetratec EX700 is a bit strong/big for a small tank?

I woudn't stay away fromt eh fluval range personally, My fluval 205 external does a great job on mu 200l community. I haven't used any other externals but this one works well, and maintenance is very easy, especially as you can shut off and remove the pipes to the tank in one go. You can also restrict the flow so you could have nice efficient external filtration without turning your 20Gal into a whirlpool.
Nah, its fine, I use an ex700 on a tank slightly smaller than that. Hell, I've got a 1000lph I'm tempted to hook up instead at the mo...
I would personally go for a Fluval 105 or 205 depending on funds :shifty:.

Really a Tetratec EX700 would be great, it comes with a spraybar too so don't worry about it being to big.

For best results, go for the biggest filter your funds can support of any big brand and look after it (impeller cleaning, lubricate o-ring).

Or, for potentially better results in a planted tank, go for a small external rated for the same size as your tank, then add a powerhead (I recommend Aquaclear) or better yet a circulation pump (Hydor Koralia of Tunze Nanostream if you can) to make up a 10x tank volume turnover per hour.

Dont worry about the flow being too strong, it's surprising how calm it can be with high turnovers.

In the very unlikely even you have problems with flowrate, its easy to turn the flow down or add DIY spraybars.
may go for the tetratec then, the tank is not mine, its my mothers. But i went up there the other day and shes got 2 fluval 3's in there.

I asked why and she said the one was old and packing up so she got another one but shock horror this is dying too (they are crap filters ime)

So figured i would just get her an external filter and sort her problems out :good:
If it were me, I'd get either a Tetratec EX700, or a EX1200 (hey, I like to over-filter)... 20gal is about 100l (as near as makes little difference anyway), so the EX1200 would give you the full turn-over you need for EI planted tanks, but I tend to used lower flow for non-EI method planted tanks, like 5X turnover. This said, I only ever lightly stock low-tech planted tanks, everything else is packed...

Rena's are worth a look IMO, bit harder to work due to a badly placed seal , but otherwise are nice filters.

I won't buy a Fluval external or Eheim Ecco filter again any time soon. Some say Fluvals are good filters, but all my mates as well as myself have had issues (bar one mate who's had no issues) and they are a constant source of trouble with work's customers. I''ve come to the conclusion that they only send the QC fail filters to Leeds, as a lot of people on here, away from Leeds, like them (again, most the Leeds member base disslike Fluvals, strange :unsure: ). Bags of c@£* IMO though...

I like the Fluval internals though. Works was ran dry almost solidly for 8 years and is still going strong with all origional parts. They can take one heck of a lot of abuse before they finally die... We've dropped it a few times as well (accidentally of course...)

All the best
nah dont rate the internal filters at all (although this is only since i've had external filters :lol: )

think the 1200 migh be a bit much! like i said the only plants in there are low light, easy plants such as moss, java fern and a couple of crypts.

How big and noisy is the ex700/600? i dont want to get it for her only to find out its noisy and huge!
The EX600 is about 18" hight, and just under a foot square :good: Can't comment on the EX700 as I don't have one of those :no: Both the EX1200's and the EX600's are silent, so the EX700 should be also :hyper:

fairly big then for a "small" filter! :blink:

Thanks for that though, think i've narrowed it down to either the 600 or 700. Will shop around for a bit and see what i can find :good:
No such thing as an external filter being too big. As others have mentioned, theres all sorts of things you can do to tone down flow rate if need be.
i meant as in floor space it will take up. my externals are bigish but thought that a filter with a smaller flow rate would be alot smaller.
The Tetratec's are about the same size as the comparable AquaOne, a brand I know you run ;) They aren't overly large for externals...
I have an Eheim 2215 running my 30 gallon tank and I can't reccomend it enough . The tank sits on a desk and the Eheim fits in the footwell/where you put your legs, with room to spare. I have it sitting inside a plastic storage tub in case of any leakages ( none yet so far thank the gods ) and even in that it still fits.

It's 7inches across the top and the bottom would be about the same, so it's not all that big (floorspace-wise ) and has been filtering my tank for over 5 years with no problem.

Spares for Eheims are easy to get or can be ordered by an LFS with little trouble, it's a well known brand and a well reccomended one too I've since discovered. Mine came with the tank second hand, but from what I've been able to find out they're about £80 brand new.

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