What Every Newbie Should Know


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Fish like peas, they'll even eat them from your hand... :fish:
OK so that's the easy bit.

No-one told me peas EXPLODE!
I just put half a dozen peas in a glass, with a tablespoon of water to just cover them, nuked them for a minute and what did I get - a pea-splattered microwave :devil:
Yep - we're addicted to Mythbusters over here LOL
The water exploding is kind of true, it just gets super heated and then when the surface tension is disrupted it causes the bubbles we associate with boiling to erupt rapidly and thus the water looks like it "exploded".

But if you don't add some water to the peas don't they get all dry and shrivelled up?
30 sec in mine for frozen peas just to soften them and lets de-shell/schuck them from time to time i feed them to my mollies as the greedy buggers and get bloated
I microwave peas for 2 minutes in a glass of water, the peas burst, but they do not go out of the glass.
I usually just nuke the water and then add the peas for a few minutes to thaw.
All i do is to put some frozen peas in a mug with room temp water over them before I go to work, then they are nice and soft by the time I get home.

Why the hurry to nuke them?
But if you don't add some water to the peas don't they get all dry and shrivelled up?

they wont dry out, because there frozen they contain water that is solid, when it is heated inside the water heats up so the peas pop out there shells, if you unsure just out them in a bowl of boiling water
Maybe I made a boo boo - my peas weren't frozen... they were fresh.
I nuked them because they were raw, and boiling them the old fashioned way would have been a bit wierd with just half a dozen peas :lol:
You need to consider the volume of the stuff you put into a microwave oven. A half dozen peas I would give less than 5 seconds and I would expect them to get hot enough to burn me. A full water glass with a half dozen peas would be good for a minute and would not get as hot as the naked peas.

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